released this
06 Apr 08:50
1025 commits
to master
since this release
1.0.0 (2021-04-06)
Bug Fixes
- alert: add console arount sending contributions (#309) (f797d2a)
- alert: fix forward alert to contribution api (#214) (3aec2a4), closes #215
- alert: handle new section (#113) (4b48b03)
- alert: handle splitted contribution (#276) (35512bb)
- alert: handle splitted contribution (#276) (#280) (339fcfd)
- alert: increase alert storage space (#337) (7b5acfa)
- alert: logging update source (e4c5a5a)
- alert: re-enable alerts version saving (5b60dde)
- alerts: allow git clone to fail (#343) (ea9935c)
- alerts: exit(1) on fail (#256) (1af7797)
- alerts: fix corrupted data (#266) (c64f916)
- alerts: fix format of alert sent to contribution api (#267) (09ef7a0)
- alerts: increase storage to 8gi (#261) (92bcb64)
- alerts: increase volume size (#226) (9fb6bc1)
- alerts: re-update source once finish (922e7d6)
- alerts: remove volume (#338) (50f18b7)
- button: forward ref (#99) (f3e8d1b)
- ci: auth.users trigger (#281) (d5f5454)
- ci: fix restore job initContainer (#310) (a35412f)
- deps: update @reach (major) (#165) (95bcff3)
- deps: update all dependencies (#243) (7f40411)
- deps: update all dependencies (#249) (d88bdce)
- deps: update all dependencies (#260) (55682c5)
- deps: update all dependencies (#286) (aefa7c6)
- deps: update all dependencies (#293) (1a61f15)
- deps: update all dependencies (#314) (83671ca)
- deps: update all dependencies (#349) (2304439)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#244) (5c18b54)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#300) (c45bba6)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (minor) (#294) (c6e900b)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (minor) (#350) (394bbd0)
- deps: update dependency next-transpile-modules to v6 (#247) (c03e09f)
- deps: update dependency swr to ^0.3.11 (#242) (874c79b)
- deps: update sentry monorepo to v6 (#295) (dd33efb)
- front: don't use word diff when section is new (#203) (e253fdf)
- frontend: add is_available in json view (62932d2)
- frontend: add missing page in sitemap (6f11b6e)
- frontend: add pagination for contenus (#149) (824d6a2)
- frontend: add ref to relevant content (#340) (8b1346a), closes #321
- frontend: copy shared into image (#224) (a0077a5)
- frontend: edit is_available (#197) (254156f)
- frontend: fix gitlab token header (#231) (e018458)
- frontend: fix pagination on alert (#223) (c7f7d88)
- frontend: fix pagination url (#211) (6aa32ff)
- frontend: fix preview action params (37388a7)
- frontend: fix preview args (db964f6)
- frontend: handle jwt parsing error (#376) (c455ceb)
- frontend: re-add files item in nav (#255) (3e2879d)
- frontend: re-orgnaize imports for ace-editor (#325) (a33ac61), closes #326
- frontend: refreshToken before graphql request (#192) (1d98dfc)
- frontend: remove old legifrance beta url (#367) (bc572a5)
- frontend: reove cdt and dulpicate contribution from /contenus (#345) (d471d1c), closes #305
- frontend: replace markdown with html when update ES (#179) (25f3143)
- frontend: replase resetPassword with changeOldPassword (#193) (b24d626)
- frontend: revert next-transpil-module (#225) (3fc9be4)
- frontend: update fiches service-public view (#361) (7a54a73)
- frontend: update passing gitlab token (84bd21c)
- frontend: update preprod ES (#199) (c4d11d5)
- frontend: update preview gql request (e3ca837)
- frontend: update sitemap endpoint (#270) (fa6b255)
- frontend: update storage account (#253) (763774f)
- frontend: use an action to trigger the preview (#240) (aab9c37)
- frontend: use ci_environment_url for mail (#283) (7897f1f)
- hasura: disable email on restore (#274) (8ce2550)
- hasura: fix migrations (#342) (63a0463)
- hasura: improve trigger management (#368) (73d8baf), closes #363
- hasura: replace email webhook with actions (#282) (751e765)
- ingest: lower nb of documents to ingest (#316) (5b2c30f)
- ingester: handle legifrance new url style (#334) (7ecf74b)
- ingester: update package data even if not present in the database (#328) (fa807d4)
- ingester: use kaliblock from admin (#362) (56f41bb)
- preview on preprod (#241) (6db8599)
- restrict frontend ingress to some IPs (#209) (19e68a0)
- ingester: use retry and promise.all (#213) (e985d49)
- restore: fix for legacy db password (#313) (79d93ae)
- fix professionel-entreprise link (#188) (87afea1)
- frontend: update preview index name (178d6b6)
- hasura: allow anonymous get on documents (#119) (4a16d69)
- hasura: fix procedure name for updated_at trigger (#120) (8cb00d8)
- hasura: remove truncate in down.sql (#108) (247c485)
- hasura: rename unhauthorize role to public (0955784)
- ingester: exit on error (#187) (3bc1308)
- ingester: use process.env.HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT (#185) (17ba8ea)
- lint (#186) (740c816)
- frontend: replace markdown with html when update ES (#179) (#181) (6fef358)
- hasura: allow select is_available for public (#172) (e59f942)
- hasura: update document permissions (ded694f)
- ingester: use cdtn filtering for fiche vdd (#167) (1863826)
- ingester: use cid to generate cdtn_id (#168) (2216024)
- kali_blocks: update hasura permissions (#189) (860b782)
- auth broken :( (#103) (26bacb5)
- alerts: batch alert insert (#78) (6b46d80)
- alerts: use an accurate regexp for fiche-sp filter (#73) (f968208)
- api: log errors (441de42)
- dep: revert @rollup/plugin-node-resolve to 8.1.0 (8891472), closes #67
- front: fix urql latest version breaking change (#50) (fb1849f)
- frontend: add text diff view (#89) (3955dfa)
- frontend: fix icon button color (#92) (ad40809)
- frontend: fix pagination (09840d3)
- frontend: fix pagination T_T (9e790b7)
- frontend: lint (#66) (989ed0e)
- frontend: remove nextjs warning on graphql endpoint (#88) (7d38bbd)
- frontend: reset status when navigate to another alert repo (#74) (8da67a6)
- frontend: update link to beta.legifrance.gouv (#91) (cce5299)
- hasura: remove contraints if exist in alert contrait migration (#72) (bbf7011)
- add debug (3a5767d)
- check ctx in auth (#104) (fc3183b)
- don't hydrate client with server token (7263c02)
- don't return a rejected Promise from getInitialProps to avoid sentry log (#111) (5711124)
- expiry token (adab4a6)
- fix cookie+review (b6959a3)
- logout (74bef5f)
- Make dev2 and prod2 compliant pipes. (#123) (ed29de2)
- move next-transpile-module to dependencies (46fd940)
- register (ee0cecb)
- remove lint errors (0b764e2)
- replace rollup with ncc (#102) (15374cb)
- review (f86eb7a)
- Set correct env name to pipeline notifications. (#124) (faa12ce)
- typos (be981bd)
- udpate docker image (0ca0538)
- udpate webhook url (06eee86)
- update env var (d29e9e0)
- update hasura webhook url (7f48742)
- update seerverside module prop (5af9ef9)
- update webhook url (bb62d22)
- web-hook-url (7ba222a)
- ci: update dev PG_HOST (577647c)
- add handle service-public.fr (#359) (da92296)
- alert: add a tooltip to show the CCN title (#347) (724dc08)
- alert: add cdtn document list (#48) (fb180c1)
- alert: add travail-emploi alert (#107) (c71d546)
- alert: fiches SP diff (#312) (c3558af)
- alert: forward contrib alert (#174) (9c3aa88)
- alerts: add kali / legi alerts (#24) (c8c5f1a)
- ci: add sitemap uploader (#259) (f3a87ea)
- ci: enable database restore for feature branches (#254) (1a5b9a4)
- data: add slug to glossary entries (#195) (e1f5e37)
- data: add synonyms to conventions collectives (#210) (27bb7b1)
- front: small refactoring, lintfix, layout fix and permissions (#47) (cf230da)
- front: stacks (#238) (7948dff)
- frontend: add confirmation before update docs published status (#353) (eb3525f)
- frontend: add gestion fichiers (#237) (881f2c1)
- frontend: add prequalified requests (#277) (4fa383b)
- frontend: add sentry release info (#110) (c93d7f7)
- frontend: add text to editable fields (#205) (7e5e8d0)
- frontend: edit json document (#122) (d8e5426)
- frontend: fix multiple auth (#358) (b662ec0)
- frontend: generate a base sitemap (#258) (7490666)
- frontend: handle unthemed documents (#287) (9ba8502)
- frontend: publish document (#184) (994d326)
- frontend: trigger build pipeline (#202) (dde03ed)
- hasura: add audit tables (#329) (4dafe99)
- hasura: remove old alerts (#339) (ac649ad)
- add highlights (#257) (d1a8efd)
- ingester: split contributions answer (#252) (3e68007), closes #253 #255
- add editorial content administration (#204) (cdb4e5f)
- pass cache-folder to yarn focus install (#49) (ae9e7b3)
- restore jobs (#227) (88824f3)
- ingester: add document to db (#143) (3830b73)
- ingester: save ingested document version (#198) (4897318)
- add kali_blocks (#140) (17902bf)
- frontend: update change on master (#162) (7d51127)
- add glossary (#130) (be09d2d)
- add themes (#126) (db38184)
- frontend: update diff page (#90) (b2efaa4)
- hasura: add document table (#115) (4d9193d)
- scripts: deploy alert as cron (#27) (4c0f1fe)
- user: add login / logout (1c46109)
- user: add user account (7bb7c8f)
- user: create user account (b46a0f9)