Fast Clock is a clock that runs fast, but you don't know exactly how fast. By default, it floats between being exactly on time and 10 minutes ahead.
Fast Clock was inspired by people who purposefully set their clocks fast to encourage themselves to get ready on time, etc. My friend and I were discussing how that only helps until you adjust to the time difference. We determined the only way to prevent that adjustment was to have a clock that is a random amount of time fast (but, of course, within a certain range so you can still depend on it), and thus, Fast Clock was born.
In the future, Fast Clock should have standalone applications that reside in Windows' notification center or OSX's menu bar. Currently, the Python script must be run by an external program and the clock accessed that way (it would probably be great for a Conky script that displays the time). I'm also considering setting up a Fast Clock twitter bot and web-accessible endpoint to enable easier access to this type of clock without having to run it yourself.