The project contains mini utility programs which explore javascript,html and css to engage users in a variety of tasks. JavaScript, HTML and CSS are the first step in a web developer's journey. HTML is the 'what' of the web page, CSS is the style, and JavaScript is the 'how'.
- HTML : The basic structure of the web page.
- CSS : The styling effects for making the web page attractive.
- Javascript : Ensures a smooth user experience by working the utility of the page.
AI-Integrated Tic Tac Toe
- Engage in a tic tac toe against the computer
- Minimax algorithm used to decide computer moves ensures an entertaining gameplay.
- Offers a simple yet interactive drawing experience.
- The draw function triggered by mouse movement, and implemented by capturing coordinates, makes for an user-friendly interface.
- A range of brushes, colors and tools are provided to meet your creative needs.
Analog Clock - Time in Style !
- Styled to provide an aesthetically pleasing user experience.
- Choose your time zone and get info accurate to the second.
Drum kit
- Experiment with a variety of sounds.
- Type in the key corresponding to the sound you want.
Text to Speech
- Convert text to speech with a single button.
- Options like pause, play and stop are provided for user convenience.
Whack A Mole game
- Engage in an amusing gameplay.
- Dynamic updation of scores.
- JavaScript events are used to enhance the interactivity.
Pokemon Generator Chrome Extension
- Clean UI
- Wide range of pokemon
- Type in a city to get its population.
- Dynamically filtered suggestions based on user input.
The steps to run this project are:
- Fork the repository
- Use git clone "your forked repo URL here" on git command line
- Use git remote add upstream "your forked repo URL here" on git command line to add remote for the cloned repository.
- You can add a new branch to forked repository using git checkout -b "Branch name here"
- All Done!! Edit the forked repository and if you think the project can be changed in an incredible feel free to open a pull request :)
To open a pull request to the main repo the steps are :
- Make changes in forked repo and after you're done, commit the changes to git using git commit You can also write a message describing the changes using git commit -m "your message here"
- Address the issue in issue section. The project maintainer will use this issue to check if it is needed or not, After which you get assigned to it.
- Now push the changes to the forked repository main branch using git push origin "Branch name here"
- Compare and pull using GitHub in the main repository.