Use webpack with grunt.
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's Gruntfile.js with: npm install grunt-webpack --save-dev
Then add this line to your project's Gruntfile.js
There are two tasks available
: see webpack-dev-server doc for available options.
webpack: {
someName: {
// webpack options
entry: "./client/lib/index.js",
output: {
path: "asserts/",
filename: "[hash].js",
stats: {
// Configure the console output
colors: false,
modules: true,
reasons: true
// stats: false disables the stats output
storeStatsTo: "xyz", // writes the status to a variable named xyz
// you may use it later in grunt i.e. <%= xyz.hash %>
progress: false, // Don't show progress
// Defaults to true
failOnError: false, // don't report error to grunt if webpack find errors
// Use this if webpack errors are tolerable and grunt should continue
watch: true, // use webpacks watcher
// You need to keep the grunt process alive
watchOptions: {
aggregateTimeout: 500,
poll: true
// Use this when you need to fallback to poll based watching (webpack 1.9.1+ only)
keepalive: true, // don't finish the grunt task
// Use this in combination with the watch option
inline: true, // embed the webpack-dev-server runtime into the bundle
// Defaults to false
hot: true, // adds the HotModuleReplacementPlugin and switch the server to hot mode
// Use this in combination with the inline option
anotherName: {...}
uses the webpack options.
Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Tobias Koppers @sokra Licensed under the MIT license.