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Example usages

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All examples below assume that you configured credentials, project id and account id by init command. But don't forget about "global options" that allows you to override any configuration parameters. An example:

-c --config <file>      Config file in YAML format.
                         [default: smartling.yml]
-p --project <project>  Project ID to operate on.
                         This option overrides config value "project_id".
-a --account <account>  Account ID to operate on.
                         This option overrides config value "account_id".
--user <user>           User ID which will be used for authentication.
                         This option overrides config value "user_id".
--secret <secret>       Token Secret which will be used for authentication.
                         This option overrides config value "secret".
-s --short              Use short list output, usually outputs only first
                         column, e.g. file URI in case of files list.
-d --directory <dir>    Sets directory to operate on, usually, to store or to
                         read files.  Depends on command.  [default: .]

Also would recommend to review template of configuration file smartling.yml.example. It's very useful in case you have existing "localization project" locally and need to synchronize it with Smartling TMS.

Work with projects

List of all projects in your account

$ smartling-cli projects list
2f2xxxxx  Sitecore Connector           en-US
129xxxxx  Wordpress Connector          en
855xxxxx  Drupal Connector             en
7c7xxxxx  Word files                   en

Information about project

$ smartling-cli projects info
ID       2f2xxxxx
ACCOUNT  a3exxxxx
NAME     Test site
LOCALE   en-US: English (United States)
STATUS   active

Listing all target locales

Display all target project locales along with their description.

$ smartling-cli projects locales
zh-CN  Chinese (Simplified)     true
en-AU  English (Australia)      true
fr-FR  French (France)          true
de-DE  German (Germany)         true
it-IT  Italian (Italy)          true
ru-RU  Russian                  true
es     Spanish (International)  true

Listing only locale IDs

Display short form of locales list. You can use -s or --short option

$ smartling-cli projects locales -s

Display only source locale

$ smartling-cli projects locales --source
en-US  English (United States)

Display short form of source locale.

$ smartling-cli projects locales --source -s

Display only enabled target locales

Display only enable locales using extended output formatting.

$ smartling-cli projects locales --format='{{if .Enabled}}{{.LocaleID}}{{end}}\n'

Read more about Golang templates.

Upload files

Simplest one-file upload

Upload file as is for translation with automatic file type detection.

$ smartling-cli files push my-file.txt

One-file upload with URI

Pushes specified my-file.txt from the local directory into Smartling with using remote URI /my/super/file.txt.

$ smartling-cli files push my-file.txt /my/super/file.txt

Override file type

Pushes specified from the local directory into Smartling as plaintext file.

$ smartling-cli files push --type plaintext overwritten [3 strings 28 words]

Upload files by mask

Uploads all txt files from local directory (and all subdirectories) into Smartling. Note single quotes, it's not shell expansion syntax.

$ smartling-cli files push '**.txt'

Setting Smartling directives to customize parsing (string capture) behavior

$ smartling-cli files push custom.json --directive translate_paths='{"path":"*/string","key":"{*}/string","instruction":"*/instruction"}'

Branching \ versioning

Uploads all txt files from local directory (and all subdirectories) into Smartling, prefixing each path with testing (use -b or --branch option)

$ smartling-cli files push '**.txt' -b 'testing'
testing/test.txt new [3 strings 28 words]

If your work directory is git workspace then you can configure CLI to detect the current branch name and use it as prefix.

$ smartling-cli files push '**.txt' --branch '@auto'
* 2017-06-27 16:20:54    [INFO] autodetected branch name: master
master/test.txt new [3 strings 28 words]

Partial file type override via config file

Pushes txt and md files, but overrides md file type to plaintext using configuration file (see below)

$ smartling-cli files push '**.{txt,md}'


# authentication parameters

            type: "plaintext"

CLI looks for configuration file in work directory. But you can always set explicit path where to look for configuration file (-c or --config option)

$ smartling-cli -c smartling.yml files push '**.{txt,md}'

Download files

Download only source files

$ smartling-cli files pull **test.xml --source
downloaded files\test.xml 0%
downloaded test.xml 0%
downloaded master\test.xml 0%

Download translated files files

Download translated files by mask and just for a couple locales

$ smartling-cli files pull '**test.xml' -l es -l fr-FR
downloaded test_es.xml 0%
downloaded files/test_es.xml 0%
downloaded master/test_es.xml 0%
downloaded files/test_fr-FR.xml 0%
downloaded test_fr-FR.xml 0%
downloaded master/test_fr-FR.xml 0%

Use pipes

Get list of files and filter files only which have _ or - in URI and then download original files

$ smartling-cli files list '**test.*' --short | grep '[_-]' | smartling-cli files pull --source
downloaded content/dam/geometrixx/portraits/yolanda_huggins.jpg-65359_de.xml 0%
downloaded content/geometrixx-media/en-14306_de.xml 0%
downloaded content/dam/geometrixx/portraits/scott_reynolds.jpg-65359_de.xml 0%
downloaded content/geometrixx-outdoors/en-96925_de.xml 0%
downloaded content/geometrixx/en-31001_de.xml 0%

Copy files between projects

Download all properties files locally from the configured project

$ smartling-cli files pull **ep?.properties --source
downloaded files/ 0%
downloaded files/ 0%
downloaded files/ 0%

Upload all local properties files into another project (129xxxxx)

$ smartling-cli files push **.properties -p 129xxxxx
files/ new [1 strings 2 words]
files/ new [1 strings 2 words]
files/ new [1 strings 3 words]

Also you can specify another credentials for push command in case a target project sits in another account.

List files

List of all files in project

$ smartling-cli files list
/files/                 2016-08-04T08:18:14Z  javaProperties
/files/                 2016-08-04T08:30:44Z  javaProperties
/files/                 2016-08-10T14:04:45Z  javaProperties
/files/example.STRINGSDICT            2016-08-26T08:47:54Z  stringsdict
/files/Localizable.stringsdict        2016-09-15T13:13:37Z  stringsdict
/files/Localizable2.stringsdict       2016-09-23T16:22:49Z  stringsdict

List files by mask

Get list of file URIs filtered by mask and return only file URIs

$ smartling-cli files list '**test.xml' --short

Custom output format

Use another format for rendering data in table and use more complex mask

$ smartling-cli files list '**{id,_}**.xml' --format='{{.FileType}}\t{{.FileURI}}\n'
xml  /files/placeholder_test.xml
xml  new_test_file.xml
xml  test-client-id.xml
xml  test_dropbox_variants_ns1.xml
xml  test_dropbox_variants_ns2.xml
xml  test_keys.xml


Files status

Get full overview for your local and remote files

$ smartling-cli files status
config/locales/account.en.yml           en-US  missing  source  5     5
config/locales/account.en_be-BY.yml     be-BY  missing  0%      0     0
config/locales/account.en_de-DE.yml     de-DE  missing  100%    5     5
config/locales/account.en_en-AU.yml     en-AU  missing  0%      0     0
config/locales/account.en_es.yml        es     missing  0%      0     0
config/locales/account.en_es-ES.yml     es-ES  missing  100%    5     5
config/locales/account.en_fr-FR.yml     fr-FR  missing  100%    5     5
config/locales/account.en_it-IT.yml     it-IT  missing  0%      0     0
config/locales/account.en_nl-NL.yml     nl-NL  missing  100%    5     5
config/locales/account.en_ru-RU.yml     ru-RU  missing  0%      0     0
config/locales/account.en_zh-CN.yml     zh-CN  missing  0%      0     0
test2.json                              en-US  missing  source  1     4
test2_be-BY.json                        be-BY  missing  0%      0     0
test2_it-IT.json                        it-IT  missing  0%      0     0
test2_zh-CN.json                        zh-CN  missing  0%      0     0
test2_ru-RU.json                        ru-RU  missing  100%    1     4
test2_es.json                           es     missing  100%    1     4
test2_de-DE.json                        de-DE  missing  0%      0     0
test2_en-AU.json                        en-AU  missing  0%      0     0
test2_es-ES.json                        es-ES  missing  0%      0     0
test2_fr-FR.json                        fr-FR  missing  0%      0     0

Delete files

Delete files by mask

Delete all files from master branch

$ smartling-cli files delete 'master/**'
master/test.xml deleted

Use pipes

Delete files listed in files-list.txt file

$ cat files-list.txt | smartling-cli files delete -
/files/placeholder_test.xml deleted
/files/test.xml deleted
test.xml deleted

Delete all files in project

Let's say the default configured project is 129xxxxx. But we need to delete all files in another project (2a1xxxxxx) but use configured credentials

$ smartling-cli files list -s -p 2a1xxxxxx | smartling-cli files delete - -p 2a1xxxxxx
27 Words To Learn Before You Visit Hawaii.docx deleted

Rename files

$ smartling-cli files rename test.json test-rename.json

Use pipes

Rename all files with suffix _en.xml to _en-us.xml


die () {
    echo >&2 "$@"
    exit 1

[ "$#" -ge 2 ] || die "2 argument are required, $# provided"


./smartling-cli files list -s | grep -e "_$srcLocale.xml" | while read -r oldFileName
  # newFileName=${oldFileName/_$srcLocale.xml/_$dstLocale.xml}
  newFileName=$(echo $oldFileName | sed "s/_$srcLocale.xml/_$dstLocale.xml/g")
  echo -e "Rename file\n\t$oldFileName\n\t$newFileName"
  if [[ $mode == "apply" ]]; then
    ./smartling-cli files rename "$oldFileName" "$newFileName"

if [[ $mode == "apply" ]]; then
    echo "=====All files were renamed====="
    echo "!!!!!No files were renamed!!!!! It was dryrun mode"

Now you can test it

$ ./ ja ja_jp dryrun
Rename file
Rename file
!!!!!No files were renamed!!!!! It was dryrun mode