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Installed Apps

Michelle Staley edited this page Jan 18, 2023 · 3 revisions

Apps are installed by users and these operations are not explicitly called, but they may be useful for creating developer tools and automating tests.


Note: The list of functions can be found here.

  • list - Returns a list of installed app instances matching the query options or all instances accessible by the user if no options are specified. Query options are locationId, installedAppStatus, installedAppType, deviceId. Options can be single values or arrays.

  • get - Returns the specified installed app definition. Requires the UUID of the installed app.

  • tokenInfo - Returns the token info for an installed app user

  • create - Creates an installed app instance. Requires configuration data for the app instance.

  • update - Updates the display name of an installed app instance. Requires the UUID of the installed app and a request containing the display name.

  • listConfigurations - List configurations of an installed app instance. Requires the UUID of the installed app. Options include the desired configuration status.

  • getConfiguration - Returns a specific installed app configuration. Requires the UUID of the installed app and the UUID of the configuration.

  • getLatestConfiguration - Returns the most recent configuration, authorized or not. Requires the installed app Id.

  • getAuthorizedConfiguration - Returns the current authorized configuration , or undefined if there is no authorized configuration. Requires the UUID of the installed app.

  • getCurrentConfiguration - Returns the current authorized configuration, or the latest configuration of any status if none are authorized. Requires the UUID of the installed app.

  • updateConfiguration - Updates an Installed App configuration. Call implicitly operates on the lated STAGED configuration. Requires the UUID of the installed app and data for the new configuration.

  • patchConfiguration - Allows specific configuration keys to be removed / upserted from any configuration that may already exist. This operation is only supported on install configurations with a status of STAGED. Useful for iteratively configuring an installed app. Requires the UUID of the installed app, the UUID of the configuration, and the data requesting the upserts and removals of configuration items.

  • delete - Deletes an installed app instance. If the client is configured with an installedApp ID this value can be omitted. Requires the UUID of the installed app.

  • createEvent - Creates events for an installed app. Note that this method is here in support of future functionality not yet available in the SmartThings platform. Requires a data object containing lists of events, and the UUID of the installed app.

  • sendMessage - Send a message group. Note that this method is here in support of future functionality not yet available in the SmartThings platform. Requires data for the message and the UUID for the installed app.

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