first personal side project
一般來說,個人專案的README應該包括: TODO: 專案基本資料: basic e-commerce shop, combined with line pay as payment. TODO: 功能介紹、螢幕截圖或錄影 (work flow) TODO: 使用教學、專案啟動教學 (how to set up environment? build it in docker image to suit for every OS) TODO: 涵蓋的技術: sql, nosql (redis in front of database for caching) TODO: 技術亮點或其他相關資訊 how to scale up : using some system design technique
- i18n,
- offline read,
- load balancer(redis: master write, others' slave read),
- how to database replication, Partitioning and Sharding
shop is the spring boot project repository.
- member login, logout, register firebase as authentication, integrate with many third party providers. I plan using firebaseUI to do the login flow. spring security as backend authentication.
- chat system: to let customer to interact with customer service staff. maybe will connect to line bot to answer basic question. -- websocker, message queue, pub/sub to topic.
- order management: to let whether supplier or customer to know how many items left on the shelf.
- shopping cart: to let customer pick up the product they want. front end will store at local storage.
- payment: line pay.
- button to toggle dark mode/bright mode (Tailwind CSS) -dark mode
frontend is created by create-react-app. (might just using Vanilla JavaScript) I will try to combine springboot using Java backend, thymeleaf as server side render template, and react as a front end interface. If I cant make it before I send resume, means I will only use Vanilla JavaScript.
- user
- product
- cart
- order
--Essential Tables: Products: Columns: product_id (primary key), name, description, price, stock, image_url, category_id (foreign key referencing Categories table) Relationships: One-to-Many with Order Items table (one product can be in multiple orders) One-to-Many with Reviews table (one product can have multiple reviews) Many-to-One with Categories table (one category can have many products) Many-to-Many with Coupons table (through a separate "Product_Coupons" table)
Customers: Columns: customer_id (primary key), name, email, password, address_id (foreign key referencing Addresses table) Relationships: One-to-Many with Orders table (one customer can have multiple orders) One-to-Many with Addresses table (one customer can have multiple addresses) Many-to-Many with Wishlist table (through a separate "Customer_Wishlist" table)
Orders: Columns: order_id (primary key), customer_id (foreign key referencing Customers table), order_date, total_amount, status (e.g., "pending", "shipped", "delivered") Relationships: One-to-Many with Order Items table (one order can have multiple items) Belongs-To Customer table (one customer placed this order)
Order Items: Columns: order_item_id (primary key), order_id (foreign key referencing Orders table), product_id (foreign key referencing Products table), quantity, price
--Optional Tables: Categories: Columns: category_id (primary key), name, description Relationships: One-to-Many with Products table (one category can have many products)
Reviews: Columns: review_id (primary key), product_id (foreign key referencing Products table), customer_id (foreign key referencing Customers table), rating, review_text
Coupons/Discounts: Columns: coupon_id (primary key), code, discount_type (e.g., "percentage", "fixed amount"), value, expiry_date Relationships: Many-to-Many with Products table (through a separate "Product_Coupons" table)
Payment Methods: Columns: payment_method_id (primary key), name, description, payment_gateway
Shipping Methods: Columns: shipping_method_id (primary key), name, description, cost, estimated_delivery_time
Wishlist: Columns: wishlist_id (primary key), customer_id (foreign key referencing Customers table), product_id (foreign key referencing Products table)
Inventory Management: Columns: product_id (foreign key referencing Products table), stock_level, reorder_point, supplier_information
Content Management: Columns: content_id (primary key), type (e.g., "blog post", "FAQ"), title, content, author, publish_date
listing the basic web pages(.html files) the whole project needs, and the elements inside each page :
- login
- logout
- register
- member setting
- member information
- shopping page
- checking shopping cart
- check out page
- shipment page