This project is a simple toy project. Its only purpose is to explore
the most important concepts of reproducible science and apply them.
To install the package, type :
pip install .
You can also download it directly from test Pypi with the following command :
pip install --extra-index-url breton_cretenet
To run the main program, you can type :
To find all the optionnal arguments and possibilities, type :
breton_cretenet_results --help
For more information, see the documentation via the relevent badge or :
You can find information about the coverage on the relevent badge and if you want to check it yourself, you can run :
pytest -sv --cov-report=term-missing -m "not pull_request" --cov=breton_cretenet breton_cretenet/
if you want the light version of the tests.pytest -sv --cov-report=term-missing --cov=breton_cretenet breton_cretenet/
if you want all the possible combinatins to be tested.