The Desktop Wallet of Vite.
The Vite Desktop Wallet supports Mac and Windows. Download and install.
Download and install git. (distributed version control system)
Download and install nvm. (nodejs version manager)
Install a nodejs version which works, either version 18 or version 20 and higher. (versions below 18 and version 19 don't work).
First nodejs must be installed, and then yarn must be installed, yarn might also need python so beware, probably python version 3.
Example how to install nodejs version 20.x.x using nvm
nvm install 20
nvm use 20.x.x
npm install yarn
When on windows:
When inside bash/linux/unix (emulation), target windows:
yarn run automate:all:windows
When inside bash/linux/unix (emulation), target mac:
yarn run automate:all:mac
When inside bash/linux/unix (emulation), target unix/mac:
yarn run automate:all:unix
This project requires the vite-web-wallet. You need init submodules first.
(Must be logged into to github for these commands to work):
git submodule init
git submodule update
Install dependencies
yarn install
yarn dev
Install the dependencies of vite-web-wallet
cd ../vite-web-wallet
# Be sure you are in the folder of vite-web-wallet
Launch the local dev server of vite-web-wallet
# Be sure you are in the folder of vite-web-wallet
yarn dev
Now open a new tab on terminal
yarn dev
Commit code:
yarn commit
First, you need build the vite-web-wallet dist:
# Be sure you are in the folder of vite-web-wallet
yarn build
Second, you need to build vite-wallet:
cd ../vite-wallet
# Be sure you are in the folder of vite-wallet
# Build Mac installation
yarn build
# Build Windows installation
yarn build:win
Before running release script, you need create a .env
file. About .env
config, you can look .env.example;
GH_TOKEN=<Github Personal Token: required>
GPG_SIGN_KEY=<GPG Sign Key: optional>
Here is the release script of vite-wallet. It do something like:
- Bump version
- Choose which platform to build
- Release package to github
- Sigin with GPG key
yarn release