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Developer Setup



  • Clone this repository
  • Open Visual Studio as an administrator

Publish Database

  • Build the solution SFA.DAS.ProviderApprenticeshipService.sln

  • While running Visual studio in Administrator Mode: Either use Visual Studio's Publish Database tool to publish the database project SFA.DAS.ProviderAgreementStatus.Database with name SFA.DAS.ProviderAgreementStatus.Database on ProjectsV13 (or whatever local instance you are using)


  • Create a database manually named {{database name}} on {{local instance name}} and run each of the .sql scripts in the SFA.DAS.ProviderApprenticeshipService.Database project.

PAS Seed Data

Insert the following record into the ProviderAgreementStatus database in order to simulate the given Provider (in this case, 10005077) having signed their agreement with the SFA. This unlocks all of the approval functionality.

insert into ContractFeedEvent (Id, ProviderId, HierarchyType, FundingTypeCode, [Status], ParentStatus, UpdatedInFeed, CreatedDate)
values (NEWID(), '10005077', 'CONTRACT', 'LEVY', 'APPROVED', 'APPROVED', GETDATE(), GETDATE())


Automatically obtain config (Recommended)

Running the solution

  • Ensure you have the SFA.DAS.Commitments project set up (follow its readme file)

  • Open the solution SFA.DAS.ProviderApprenticeshipService.sln as administrator

  • Open the solution SFA.DAS.Commitments.sln as administrator

  • Close all instances of "Microsoft Azure storage emulator" within the system tray

  • Set SFA.DAS.ProviderApprenticeshipService startup projects to 'Multiple startup projects'. The only projects set to start should be:

    • SFA.DAS.PAS.Account.Api (PAS Account API)
    • SFA.DAS.ProviderApprenticeshipsService.Web (PAS Web UI)
  • Clean the SFA.DAS.ProviderApprenticeshipService solution

  • Rebuild the SFA.DAS.ProviderApprenticeshipService solution

  • Run the SFA.DAS.Commitments.sln (this should automatically start the Microsoft Azure storage emulator), it normally starts with an error page. You can check if it's running by calling the "/api/healthcheck" endpoint which should return status code 200.

  • Run the SFA.DAS.ProviderApprenticeshipService.sln, it may several minutes to start the first time.

  • Once both solutions are fully running, open an incognito tab in any browser and navigate to the "misc helpers" website (Get link from Approvals / Continous Improvement team)

  • Under the "Providers" tab, click the "Test-U-Good Provider Home" link. Select Pirean PreProd and you will be directed to a log in page.

  • Enter the log in credentials (can be found on the "misc helpers" website) and you should be taken to the "Apprentices" section landing page.

Note: The above startup projects are Azure Cloud Service Definitions and the Service Configurations (*.cscfg) contain the per environment configuration settings; e.g. the 'EnvironmentName' which is used to locate the Azure Storage Configuration Settings.

Configuration (Manual method)

Note: The employer config updater will automatically update database connection strings; however it should be used with caution as it will overwrite any manual changes.

To run a local copy you may also require

To run a fully operational local service you will also require the following fully operational local services or mocks:

Note It is possible to configure the use of test environments however this comes with the usual issues of not having full control of the version under test and the data in a remote service.

It will be sufficient to configure test versions or mocks of the following services:

And you may also require

The following services can be activated (browsed too) from this service; if this is required then having fully operational local services is recommended or having them configured to be the same test services as the required API's to avoid confusion of different data sources.

Provider Apprenticeship Service

Licensed under the MIT license

crest Provider Apprenticeship Service (PAS) Web
Info A service enabling the Apprenticeship Service to be managed from the Provider perspective.
Build Build Status
Web https://localhost:44347/
crest PAS Account Internal API
Info An internal API giving access to user accounts and agreements for providers.
Build Build Status
Web https://localhost:44378/
crest PAS Account Api Client
Info .Net Framework client library for the internal Account API
Build NuGet Badge
crest PAS Account Api Client V2
Info .Net Standard client library for the internal Account API
Build NuGet Badge
crest PAS Account Api Types
Info .Net Standard types library for client libraries
Build NuGet Badge

See Support Site for EFSA developer details.