This solution represents the Employer Commitments product.
Clone das-employercommitments repo
Open das-employercommitments solution - set Startup projects as SFA.DAS.EmployerCommitments.CloudService
Obtain cloud config
- SFA.DAS.EmployerCommitments
- SFA.DAS.AuditApiClient
- SFA.DAS.EmployerAccountAPI
Workaround for "rosylyn csc exe error" - 'Update-Package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform -r'
In SFA.DAS.CloudService/ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg change the certificate thumbprint with a cerificate whose Subject is Localhost and Intended purpose is Server Authentication.
Install the DasIDPCert (In the install wizard I selected Local Computer and let the wizard select the best store, it ended up in my Local Computer - Personal Certificate)
For dev env Update the SFA.DAS.EmployerAccountAPI with APIBaseUrl
You can limit areas of the site by adding them to a list, in the controller action format, or having a * to denote all actions within that controller. Below is an example of the config required:
{ "Data": [ { "Controller": "EmployerTeam", "Action": "Invite" } ] }
This is added to the configuration table of your local azure storage, with the PartiionKey being LOCAL and the RowKey being SFA.DAS.EmployerApprenticeshipsService.Features_1.0
The Employer Apprenticeships Service provides a REST Api and client for accessing Employer accounts. Nuget link above.
- The API can be found in src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Api
- The client can be found in src/SFA.DAS.Account.Api.Client