Cross Platform Lottery Purchase System.
The following sections were written as a summary of the Software Requirements Specification document along with the Phase 1 description. If any information is missing, inaccurate, or simply poorly communicated feel free to update the README. All contributions should be pushed on an appropriate branch name. The updated repo should be fetched daily.
Phase 2 is requires the following goals be met:
- Class Diagram for the LPS.
- Seperate State Diagrams for the "Two most active objects form the system."
- Working Program for description in phase 1.
- Analysis of local and global impacts of the project on individuals, organizations, and society.
- Indication of Work Done by each member following format the in Phase2.pdf
This project should ideally be done in the order described above. This may not be possible due to time constrants and the meaty requirements of the system. The remainder of this README will focus on the approach to the software but the preceding should not be neglected by the group members.
This app is to be a cross platform mobile application. This being the case the app shall be written in React Native. This front end is designed to be cross platform as easily as possible. EXPO GO can be used to to test the app, but it needs to be on the same network and firewalls may need to be disabled. For the backend NODEjs will be used to allow for easy integration with the REACTjs front end.
The snapchat gc will continue to be used for rapid group wide communication. For less urgent communications and the need for specifics shared can be done in the discord server I made for this project.
Americans with Disabilites Act and FCC regulations are to be followed at all stages of development.
- Log in / Register
- Homescreen
- Browse Lottery Tickets
- Order Page
- View Ticket
- Admin Page
- Order History
Each of the above screens have their own required specifications that should be examined in the Phase1.pdf