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Run newman/postman collections via GitHub actions using newman 6.0.0 and newman run summary as action output for further notifications.


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Run newman/postman collections via GitHub actions using newman 6.0.0 and newman run summary as action output for further notifications.

First of all, thanks a lot to the users @anthonyvscode and @matt-ball for creating their newman-actions, which I took as reference for this action. What I try to accomplish with this new action is to have the best of both worlds (@anthonyvscode's + @matt-ball`s actions) + more up to date versions of dependencies.

  • Making use of all available NewmanRunOptions as input
  • Using node 20 instead of node 12
  • Use a newer version of the newman library (6.0.0)
  • Set the summary of the newman run as output, so that followup actions can use the summary, e.g., for more sophisticated notifications.

This action can also populate special summaries of the newman runs to the $GITHUB_OUTPUT, to reuse these summaries in follow up steps of the github action run. One example is the outputGoogleCardV2 output property, which is capable of formatting the output in a manner, which is understood by the google-chat-action GitHub action --> sending-a-summary-card-v2-to-a-google-chat.

If I find time I'd also intend to include sending notifications about the run for popular messengers.

Example Usage

    name: Run Postman Newman GitHub Actions
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout
        id: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Run Postman collection
        id: postman-newman-action
        uses: SimonScholz/postman-newman-action@main
            collection: "./collections/your-collection.json"

When using the default reporter, which is cli, the output in the github action will look similar to this:

Newman run cli output


Property Description Default Required
apiKey The key to use the postman api used to directly access collections and environments from postman cloud 🚫 🚫
collection The exported collection.json to be run or url to collection, which needs the apiKey property 🚫
environment The environment.json to be used or url to environment, which needs the apiKey property 🚫 🚫
envVar Additional env vars, can also override the ones from the environment. Example: { "key": "host", "value": ""} 🚫 🚫
globals The globals.json to be used 🚫 🚫
globalVar Additional global vars, can also override the ones from the globals. Example: { "key": "access_token", "value": "${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }}"} 🚫 🚫
exportGlobals The relative path to export the globals file from the current run to 🚫 🚫
exportEnvironment The relative path to export the environment file from the current run to 🚫 🚫
exportCollection The relative path to export the collection from the current run to 🚫 🚫
iterationCount Specify the number of iterations to run on the collection. This is usually accompanied by providing a data file reference as iterationData 🚫 🚫
iterationData Path to the JSON or CSV file or URL to be used as data source when running multiple iterations on a collection. 🚫 🚫
folder The name or ID of the folder (ItemGroup) in the collection which would be run instead of the entire collection (type: string or comma separated list string1, string2) 🚫 🚫
workingDir The path of the directory to be used as working directory. 🚫 🚫
insecureFileRead Allow reading files outside of working directory. (type: boolean) 🚫 🚫
timeout Specify the time (in milliseconds) to wait for the entire collection run to complete execution. (type: number) Infinity 🚫
timeoutRequest Specify the time (in milliseconds) to wait for requests to return a response. (type: number) Infinity 🚫
timeoutScript Specify the time (in milliseconds) to wait for scripts to return a response. (type: number) Infinity 🚫
delayRequest Specify the time (in milliseconds) to wait for between subsequent requests. (type: number) 0 🚫
ignoreRedirects This specifies whether newman would automatically follow 3xx responses from servers. (type: boolean) false 🚫
insecure Disables SSL verification checks and allows self-signed SSL certificates. (type: boolean) false 🚫
bail Specify whether or not to stop a collection run on encountering the first test script error. "folder" allows you to skip the entire collection run in case an invalid folder was specified using the folder option or an error was encountered in general. "failure" would gracefully stop a collection run after completing the current test script. (possible values: true or false or folder or failure) false 🚫
suppressExitCode If present, allows overriding the default exit code from the current collection run, useful for bypassing collection result failures. (type: boolean) false 🚫
reporters Available reporters: cli, json, html and junit. (type: string or comma separated list string1, string2) cli 🚫
reporter Specify options for the reporter(s) declared in options.reporters. (type: any) 🚫 🚫
color Enable or Disable colored CLI output. (possible values: on or of or auto) auto 🚫
sslClientCert The path to the public client certificate file. 🚫 🚫
sslClientKey The path to the private client key file. 🚫 🚫
sslClientPassphrase The secret client key passphrase. 🚫 🚫
sslClientCertList The path to the client certificate configuration list file. This option takes precedence over sslClientCert, sslClientKey and slClientPassphrase. When there is no match in this configuration list, sslClientCert is used as fallback. (type: string or comma separated list string1, string2) 🚫 🚫
sslExtraCaCerts The path to the file, that holds one or more trusted CA certificates in PEM format. 🚫 🚫
requestAgents Custom HTTP(S) agents which will be used for making the requests. This allows for use of various proxies (e.g. socks) 🚫 🚫
cookieJar A tough-cookie cookieJar / file path for the current collection run. 🚫 🚫
outputOriginalSummary Whether the original summary object of the newman run should be set as output or not (type: boolean) false 🚫
outputGoogleCardV2 Whether the google cards v2 sections array should be set as output or not (type: boolean) false 🚫


Property Description Activated by input
summary Lightweight summary object 🚫 (always there)
originalSummary Original summary object of the newman run outputOriginalSummary
googleCardV2 Sections array of the google cards v2 for informative google chat notifications outputGoogleCardV2

Sending a summary card v2 to a Google Chat

The output could look similar to this:

Google Chat simple card collapsed

And this is a complete example to make use of it. Basically it utilizes my google-chat-action.

name: Run Postman Newman Action

    - cron: "* */2 * * *" # run the action every 2 hours

    name: GitHub Actions Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout
        id: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Run Postman collection
        id: postman-newman-action
        uses: SimonScholz/postman-newman-action@main
          collection: "./collections/your-collection.json"
          outputGoogleCardV2: true

      - name: Notify Google Chat
        if: ${{ always() }} # Use always to ensure that the notification is also send on former failure
        uses: SimonScholz/google-chat-action@main
          webhookUrl: '${{ secrets.GOOGLE_CHAT_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
          additionalSections: '${{ steps.postman-newman-action.outputs.googleCardV2 }}'
          jobStatus: '${{ job.status }}'
          imageAltText: 'Postman Image'

Besides if: ${{ always() }} you can of course also use any other if statement, e.g., if: ${{ failure() }} to only send a message on failure.

Concatenate outputs from several collection runs using jq

You might also want to concatenate the different googleCardV2 cards into one large card sections array so that only one card is sent at the end instead of one for every collection.

This is how a collapsed card would look like:

Google Chat Card collapsed

And this is how an expanded card would look like:

Google Chat Card expanded

jq is a command line json parser, which can also read different json objects line by line using the --slurp / -s command:

- name: Concat outputGoogleCardV2 output using jq
  if: ${{ always() }}
  id: concat-google-card-v2
  run: |
    echo '${{ steps.postman-newman-action.outputs.googleCardV2 }}' > concat.json
    echo '${{ steps.postman-newman-action-2.outputs.googleCardV2 }}' >> concat.json
    cat concat.json | jq -sc 'add' > concatinated.json
    echo "GOOGLE_CHAT_SECTIONS_ARRAY=$(cat concatinated.json)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
  • Fill the concat.json file line by line
  • jq -sc 'add' lets jq "slurp" json objects line by line while 'add' will do the concatenation (The -c in -sc will leave the json in one line)
  • The result will then be written to the $GITHUB_OUTPUT introducing the GOOGLE_CHAT_SECTIONS_ARRAY output variable

A complete example would look like this:

name: Run Postman Newman Action

    - cron: "* */2 * * *" # run the action every 2 hours

    name: GitHub Actions Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout
        id: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Run Postman collection
        id: postman-newman-action
        uses: SimonScholz/postman-newman-action@main
          collection: "./collections/your-collection.json"
          outputGoogleCardV2: true

      - name: Run Postman 2nd collection
        id: postman-newman-action-two
        uses: SimonScholz/postman-newman-action@main
          collection: "./collections/your-2nd-collection.json"
          outputGoogleCardV2: true

      - name: Concat outputGoogleCardV2 output using jq
        if: ${{ always() }}
        id: concat-google-card-v2
        run: |
          echo '${{ steps.postman-newman-action.outputs.googleCardV2 }}' > concat.json
          echo '${{ steps.postman-newman-action-2.outputs.googleCardV2 }}' >> concat.json
          cat concat.json | jq -sc 'add' > concatinated.json
          echo "GOOGLE_CHAT_SECTIONS_ARRAY=$(cat concatinated.json)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

      - name: Notify Google Chat
        if: ${{ always() }}
        uses: SimonScholz/google-chat-action@main
          title: 'Concatenated Google Chat Card'
          webhookUrl: '${{ secrets.GOOGLE_CHAT_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
          additionalSections: '${{ steps.concat-google-card-v2.outputs.GOOGLE_CHAT_SECTIONS_ARRAY }}'
          jobStatus: '${{ job.status }}'
          imageAltText: 'Postman Image'


Run newman/postman collections via GitHub actions using newman 6.0.0 and newman run summary as action output for further notifications.







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