This project is a port of from MS Stream to Webex
- Node.js: anything above v8.0 seems to work.
- aria2: this needs to be in your
(for example, copy aria2c.exe to c:\windows). WebexDown callsaria2c
with a bunch of arguments in order to improve the download speed. - ffmpeg: a recent version (year 2019 or above), in
. On Windows, the nightly build is recommended.
- Clone this repo
into the cloned foldernpm install
to install dependencies
Default usage:
$ node webexdown.js --username CODICEPERSONA --email POLIMI_EMAIL --videoUrls ""
$ node webexdown.js -u CODICEPERSONA --e POLIMI_EMAIL -v ""
Show options:
$ node webexdown.js -h
--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --videoUrls [array] [required]
-u, --username Codice Persona PoliMi [string] [required]
-e, --email Indirizzo email PoliMi [string] [required]
-p, --password [string]
-o, --outputDirectory [string] [default: "videos"]
-k, --noKeyring Do not use system keyring [boolean] [default: false]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Multiple videos download:
$ node webexdown.js -u CODICEPERSONA -e EMAIL
-v ""
Output directory (relative or absoulte path):
$ node webexdown.js -u CODICEPERSONA -e EMAIL -v "" -o "/my/path/here"
Do not use system keyring to save the password:
$ node webexdown.js -u CODICEPERSONA -e EMAIL -v "" -k
You can omit the password argument. WebexDown will ask for it interactively and then save it securely in system's keychain for the next use.
Project derived from
Ported to Cisco Webex by @SimoDax
Using aria2 version 1.35.0
Using ffmpeg version git-2020-03-09-608b8a8 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 the FFmpeg developers
Launching headless Chrome to perform the OpenID Connect dance...
Navigating to login page...
Filling in Servizi Online login form...
We are logged in.
Got required authentication cookies.
Start downloading video:
At this point Chrome's job is done, shutting it down...
The video is now saved under videos/
, or whatever the outputDirectory
argument points to.