Download Roboto font:
Install it using the following guide:
Yarn: yarn add react-native-font-weight
NPM: npm install react-native-font-weight
Insert the following code into the starting point of the application (usually App.js)
import FontManager from 'react-native-font-weight';
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
Use it like you would use fontFamily & fontWeight for iOS (defaults to Roboto on Android)
<Text style={{ fontWeight: '300' }}>
Some Text
Custom fonts:
<Text style={{ fontFamily: 'OpenSans', fontWeight: '300' }}>
Some Text
- Tested on react: 16.1.8, react-native: 0.60.5
- Only works with default Text field from react-native
- If corresponding fontWeight file does not exist, it will revert to the default (Roboto, fontWeight: 400)
- fontStyle 'italic' does not work at the moment