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976 solved katas !

beta : 7
2kyu : 2
3kyu : 4
4kyu : 18
5kyu : 75
6kyu : 205
7kyu : 356
8kyu : 309


views solved 0 kyu

Async requests:

Asyncio the beginning:

Factorial of factorials:

Is this a rectangle:

Page replacement algorithm fifo:


Rgb colour changer:


views solved 2 kyu

Evaluate a mathematical expression:

Game of go:


views solved 3 kyu

Huffman encoding:


The builder of things:

The millionth fibonacci kata:


views solved 4 kyu

Adding big numbers:

Calculate k th digit of pi:

Codewars style ranking system:

Hamming numbers:

Human readable duration format:

Most frequently used words in a text:

Nesting structure comparison:


Range extraction:

Recover a secret string from random triplet:

Simplifying multilinear polynomials:

Sort binary tree by level:

Strings mix:

Strip comments:

Sudoku solution validator:

Sum by factor:

The observed pin:

Who will win:


views solved 5 kyu

A chain adding function:

Bird mountains:

Bob reversng obfuscator:

Can you get the loop:

Combining predicates:

Convert a hex string to rgb:

Convert pascal case string into snake case:

Conway game of life:

Conway game of life on a toroidal array:

Conway look and say generalized:

Count a spiral:

Did i fnish my sodoku:

Direction reduction:


Esolang infini tick:

Esolang stick:

Esolang ticker:

Evaluate a posix expression:

Extract the domain from a url:

Find the unique string:

First non repeating character:


Gap in primes:

Greed is good:

Group in tens:

Hamster me:

Hex dump:

How many numbers ii:

Human readable time:

Int32 to ipv4:

Intergers recreation one:

Ips between:

Isbn 10 validation:

Land perimeter:

Last digit of a large number:

Luck check:

Maximum subarray sum:

Memoized fibonacci:

Merged string checker:

Moving zeros to the end:

Multisize nonogram encoder:

Myjinxin katas 001 rotate remove return:

Mystery function:

Ninja vs samurai attack block:

Not very secure:

Pagination helper:


Pete the baker:

Primes in numbers:

Product of consecutive fib numbers:

Readability is king:

Regex password validation:

Return substring instance count:

Rgb to hex conversion:

Rot 13:

Rotate an array matrix:

Rule 30:


Secret knock:

Sierpinski gasket:

Simple assembler interpreter:

Simple encryption 2 index difference:

Simple finite state machine compiler:

Simple pig latin:

Sorting arrays by amount of perfsq:

String incrementer:

String n iterations string:

Sum of pairs:

The hashing generator:

Tic tac toe checker:

Tree to list:

Valid parentheses:

Vector class:

Whats a perfect power anyway:

Where my anagrams at:


views solved 6 kyu

A plus b equals 123:

Alphaber war airstrike letters massacre:

Alternating strings:

Are they the same:

Array deep count:

Array diff:

Arrh grabscrab:

Ascii fun 1 x shape:

Ascii fun 2 funny dots:

Ascii fun 3 build a pyramid:

Ascii sierpinski carpet:

Assemble string:

Auto complete:

Backspaces in string:

Backwards read primes:


Binary to ascii conversion:

Binary tree compare:

Binding within the list monad:

Bit counting:

Break camel case:

Build a pile of cubes:

Build tower:

Build tower advanced:

Calculate pyramid height:

Camelcase method:


Character with longest consecutive repetition:

Christmas tree:

Code golf get the square:

Codewars leaderboard:


Common directory path:

Compare versions:

Compute depth:

Condi cipher:

Consecutive strings:

Consonant value:

Convert int to whitespace format:

Convert string to camel case:

Count calls:

Count characters in your string:

Count the days:

Count the divisible numbers:

Count the islands:

Count the smiley faces:

Counting duplicates:

Create phone number:

Dashatize it:

Data reverse:

Decipher this:

Decode the morse code:

Delete occurences of an element if it occurs more than n times:

Detect pangram:

Dictionary merge:

Does my number look big in this:

Dont rely on luck:

Duplicate encoder:

Encrypt this:

English beggars:

Equal side of an array:

Error correction 1 hamming code:

Esoland mini bit move:

Esolang 1 mini string fuck:

Esolang interpreters 1 intro to esolangs:

Esolang tick:

Exclamation marks series #17 put the exclamation marks and question marks on the balance:

Extract file name:

Fibonacci tribonacci and friends:

Find last fib digit hard:

Find the missing letter:

Find the odd int:

Find the parity outlier:

Find the unique number:

First character that repeats:

Fold array:

Framed reflection:

Function composition:

Give me a diamond:

Goldbach conjecture:

Hanoi record:

Happy numbers:

Hello world without string number and booleans:

Hellphabet can you give the alphabet:

Help the bookseller:

High score table:

Highest number with two prime factors:

Highest rank number in a array:

Highest scoring word:

How many pages in a book:

If you can read this:

Inside out string:

Intro to art:

Ip validation:

Ipv4 to int 32:

Iq test:

Is a number prime:

Jojo bizarre kata:


Length of missing array:

Linked lists length and count:

Logistic map:

Longest palidrome:

Longest palindrome:

Loose change:

Make a window:

Make everyone happy:

Make the deadfish swim:

Matrix addition:

Matrix transpose:

Maximum sum values of ranges:



Merge in 2048:

Message validator:

Mexican wave:

Minutes to midnight:

Multiple of 3 or 5:

Multiplication table:

Muti tap keypad text entry on old phone:

Nested list depth:

New cashier does not know about space or shift:

Non even substrings:

Normalizing out of range array indexes:

Nth fibonacci:

Number of anagrams in an array of words:

Numbers of letters of numbers:

Padovan numbers:

Pair of gloves:

Pascal triangle 2:

Pell numbers:


Perisitent bugger:

Permute a palindrome:

Playing with digits:

Playing with passphrases:

Plus one array:

Prefill an array:

Prime factors:

Primordial of a number:

Pyramid array:


Rectangle letter juggling:

Remove the parenthesis:

Replace with alphabet position:

Reverse every other word in a string:

Reverse or rotate:

Reverse polish notation calculator:

Reverse singly linked list:

Rna to protein sequence translation:

Rotate array:

Run length encoding:

Score from permutations of combinations of an integer:

Sha256 cracker:

Sierpinski triangle:

Silent import:

Simple card game:

Simple fun 305 typist:

Simple fun 52 pairs of shoes:

Simple simple simple string expansion:

Simple web framework 1 create a basic router:

Sort arrays ignoring case:

Sort the columns of a csv file:

Sort the odd:

Sorting by bits:

Sot the inner content in descending order:

Split strings:

Steps in k primes:

Stop gninnips my sdrow:

Street fighter 2 character selection:

String tops:

String transformer:

Sum consecutives:

Sum of digits digital rot:

Sum of parts:

Sum the tree:

Sum two arrays:

Take a number and sum its digits raised to the consectuve powers and eureka:

Take a ten minute walk:

The book of mormon:

The paperfold sequence:

The takewhile function:

The vowel code:

Title case:

Tortoise racing:

Tribonacci sequence:

Triple trouble:

Twisted sum:

Two sum:

Typing series 1 the backspace function:

Unique in order:

Unknown amount of dup one missing number:

Valid braces:

Valid phone number:

Version manager:

Vowel back:

Weight for weight:

Weird string case:

What century is it:

Where is my parent:

Who likes it:

Word a a10n:

Write the number in expanded form:

Your order please:


views solved 7 kyu

99 problems 1 last in list:


A rule of divisibility by 7:

Adding arrays:

All inclusive:

All star challenge 16:

All star code challenge 20:

All star code challenge 22:

All star code challenge 3:

All unique:

Alphabet symmetry:

Alphabet war:

Alphabetical addition:

Alphabetically ordered:

Alternate capitalization:

Alternate case:

Anagram detection:

Any odd:


Are the number in order:

Are they square:

Area of the arrow:

Arithmetic progression:

Array element parity:

Array leaders array series 3:

Array length:

Automorphic number special numbers series 6:

Averages of numbers:

Balanced number special number series 1:

Basic calculator:

Beginner series 3 sum of numbers:

Big factorial:

Binary addition:

Binary pyramid 101:

Boiled eggs:

Broken sequence:

Build a square:

Building block:

Building strings from a hash:

By 3 or not by 3:

Car crash:

Cat and mouse:

Categorize member:

Censored strings:

Chain me:

Changing letters:

Char code calculation:

Check the exam:

Check three and two:

Checks for prime numbers:

Coding 3 min planting trees:

Coding meetup 1 higher order functions series count the number of javascript developers coming from europe:

Coding meetup 2 higher order func greet devs:

Coding meetup 3 higher order functions series is ruby coming:

Coding meetup 4 higher order function series find the first python developer:

Coding meetup 6 higher order functions series can they code in the same language:

Collatz conjecture length:

Colour association:

Coloured triangles:

Compare strings by sum of chars:

Compare with margin:

Complementary dna:

Complete the pattern 1:

Computer problem series 1 fill the hard disk drive:

Conference traveller:

Consecutive items:

Convert a linked list to a string:

Convert an array of strings to array of numners:

Coprime validator:

Count red beads:

Count the digit:

Count the divisors of a number:

Count the ones:

Counting array elements:


Credit card mask:

Cryptanalysis word pattern:

Currying functions multiply all element in array:

Debug sum of digits of a number:

Decimal reverser:

Descending order:

Difference of squares:

Digital cypher:

Digits explosion:

Disemvowel trolls:

Divide and conquer:

Dont give me five:

Dot calculator:

Double every other:

Echo program:

Elevator distance:

Eliminate the intruders:



Even and odd:

Even numbers in an array:

Even times last:

Evens and odds:

Exclamation mark series 13 question mark time exclamation:

Exclamation marks series 5 remove all exclamation marks from the end of words:

Exes ohs:


Factorial 2:


Filter long words:

Filter the number:

Find all pairs:

Find count of most frequent item in array:

Find fibonacci last digit:

Find min and max:

Find screen size:

Find the annonymous function:

Find the capitals:

Find the divisor:

Find the lucky numbers:

Find the middle element:

Find the next perfect square:

Find the nth digit of a number:

Find the stray number:

Find the vowel:

Finding remainder without mod operator:

Finish guess the game:

First class function factory:

Five without alphanums:

Fix string case:

Fixme get full name:

Fizz buzz:

Flatten and sort an array:

Folding your way to the moon:

Form the minimum:

Friend or foe:

Fun with lists length:

Functionnal addition:

Geometry a2 length of a vector:

Get the middle character:

Greatest common divisor:

Greet me:

Growth of a population:

Hamming distance part 1 binary codes:

Having sum:

Heavy metal umlauts:

Hello world without string:

Help bob count letters and digits:

Help sukui count his vegetables:

Help the fruit guy:

Heron formula:

Hexadecimal keys:

Highest and lowest:

Holiday 3 fire on boat:

How many are smaller than me:

How many consecuutive numbers are needed:

Im everywhere:


Indentical elements:

Indexed capitalization:

Initialize my name:

Inspiring string:

Interlocking binary pairs:

Interview question easy:

Is even bitwise series:

Is it negative zero:

Is this a triangle:


Jaden casing strings:

Javascript array filter:

Javascript filter:

Jumping number special numbers series 4:

Largest 5 digit number in a series:

Largest pair sum in array:

Last digit of a number:

Last survivor:

Leap year:

Least larger:

Length and two values:

Limit string length:

Linked lists get nth node:

List filtering:

Longest vowel chain:

Loop array:

Lost number in number sequence:

Love vs friendship:

Make a funciton that does arithmetic:

Make a square box:

Make acronym:

Make your own hashmap:

Map function issue:

Max diff easy:

Maximum length difference:

Maximum multiple:

Maximum product:

Middle me:

Minimize sum of array:

Mod 256 without the mod operator:

Most digits:

Move 10:

Moves in squared strings:



My language skill:

Name that number:

Narcissistic number:

Next prime:

Nice array:

Not oddities here:

Nth smallest element:

Number of decimal digits:

Number of people in the bus:

Number slicer:

Numbers in strings:

Numbers to letters:

Odd even string sort:

Odd or even:

Odder than the rest:

Ones complement:

Padded numbers:

Pairs of integers from m to n:

Parts of a list:


Plus minus plus minus:

Positive to negative binary numbers:

Power of two:

Powers of i:

Predict your age:

Previous multiple of three:

Printer errors:

Product array:

Race ceremony:

Rearrange number to get it maximum:

Reduce my fraction:

Regex validate pin code:

Regexp basics parsing prices:

Remove all the marked element of a list:

Remove anchor from url:

Remove duplicate words:

Remove duplicates:

Remove the minimum:

Replace every nth:

Return string of first char:

Return the closest multiple of 10:

Reverse a number:

Reverse letter:

Reverse list:

Reverse the bits in an integer:

Reverse words:

Round up to the next multiple of 5:

Row weight:

Running out of space:

Say hello:

See you next happy year:

Series of integers from m to n:

Seven ate 9:

Shorter concat:

Shorter word:

Simple consecutive pairs:

Simple fun #154 zero and one:

Simple fun 10 range bit counting:

Simple fun 2 circle of numbers:

Simple fun 74 growing plant:

Simple remove duplicates:

Simple string characters:

Small enough beginner:

Smallest product:

Smallest value of an array:

Snake case keys:

Some but not all:

Sort array by string length:

Sort by last char:

Sort out the me from boys:

Sort the gift code:

Sorted numbers:

Sorted yes no how:


Speical number 5:

Split in parts:

Spongebob meme:

Spoonerize me:

Square every digit:

Square sequence:

Stanton measure:

String ends with:

String reverse slicing 101:

String swap vowel case:

Strings starts with:

Substring fun:

Sum a list but ignore any duplicates:

Sum even numbers:

Sum of all arguments:

Sum of all the multiples of 3 and 5:

Sum of cubes:

Sum of digits:

Sum of integers in string:

Sum of minimums:

Sum of numbers from 0 to n:

Sum of odd cubed numbers:

Sum of odd numbers:

Sum of singles:

Sum of the first nth term of series:

Sum of the lowest positive integers:

Sum of triangle numbers:

Sum or difference:

Sum up the random string:

Summing a number digits:


Testing 123:

The coupon code:

The drop while function:

The fusc function part 1:

The highest profit wins:

The office 2 boredom score:

The office 4 find a meeting room:

The reject function:

Thinkful string drills poem formatter:

Thinkful string drills repeater:

Thinking and testing a and b:

Thinking and testing incompete string:

Thinking and testing something capitalized:

Thinking and testing true or false:

Thinking and testing uniq or not uniq:

Tidy number special number series 9:

To leet speak:

Triangular treasure:

Triple x:

Two oldest ages:

Two to one:

Ultimate array reverser:

Unflatten a list:

Unique string characters:

Unscrambled eggs:

Upturn numeral triangle:

Valid spacing:


Very even numbers:

Vowel changer:

Vowel count:

Vowel one:

Wealth equality finally:

What a classy song:

Which section did you scroll to:

Which string is worth more:

Who is online:

Word values:

Words to sentence:

Words values:

Write out expression:

Write your own map function:

X marks the spot:

Youre a square:

Zeros and ones:


views solved 8 kyu

Rock paper scissors:

101 dalmatians squash the bugs not the dogs:

A needle in the haystack:

Abbreviate a two word name:

Add length:

Add new item:

Add numbers:

Adults ony sql for beginnners #1:

Age range compatibility:

Alan partride ii apple turnover:

All star code challenge 18:

Are arrow functions odd:

Are you playing banjo:

Area of perimeter:

Array plus array:

Ascii total:

Aspect ratio cropping part 1:

Average scores:

Barking mad:

Basic making six toast:

Basic mathematical operations:

Basic subclasses adam and eve:

Basic traning add item to a array:

Basic variable asignment:

Beginner lost without a map:

Beginner reduce but grow:

Beginner series 1 school paperwork:

Beginner series 2 clock:

Beginner series 4 cockroack:

Bin to decimal:

Calculate average:

Calculate bmi:

Calculate price excluding vat:

Can we divide it:

Capacity and mutability:

Cat years dog years:

Century from year:

Charater frequency:

Check same case:

Chuck norris vii true or false:

Classic hello world:

Classy classes:

Closest elevator:

Collatz conjecture:

Color ghost:

Concurrency currency i:

Consecutive letters:

Contamination 1 string:

Convert a string to an array:

Convert a string to number:

Convert boolean to a string:

Convert boolean values to string yes and no:

Convert number to a string:

Convert number to reversed array of digits:

Convert to binary:

Correct the mistake of the character recognition software:

Count by x:

Count odd numbers below n:

Count of monkeys:

Count of positive sum of negative:

Count the number of cubes with paint on:

Couting sheep:

Crash override:

Csv representation of array:

Days in the year:

Define a card suit:

Did she said hallo:

Difference of volume of cuboids:


Dna to rna conversion:

Do i get a bonus:

Do you speak english:

Dollar and cents:

Double char:

Draw stairs:

Drink about:

Duck duck goose:

Easy logs:

Ensure quesion:

Enumerable magic #1 true for all:

Enumerable magic 1 true for all:

Enumerable magic 20 cascading subsets:

Enumerable magic 25 take the first n elements:

Enumerable magic 3 does my list include this:

Even or odd:

Evil or odious:

Exclamation mark series 1 remove a exclamation mark from the end of string:

Exclamation marks series 11 replace all vowel to exclamation mark in the sentence:

Exclamation marks series 2 remove all exclamation marks from the end of sentence:

Exclamation marks series 4 remove all exclamation marks from sentence but ensure a exclamation mark at the end of string:

Exclamation marks series 6 remove n exclamation marks in the sentence from left to right:

Exclusive or xor logical operator:

Expressions matter:

Fake binary:

Filling an array:

Filter out the geese:

Filtering even numbers:

Find maximum and minimum valus of a list:

Find multiples of a number:

Find nearest square number:

Find numbers which are divisible by given number:

Find out wheter the shape is a cube:

Find the difference in age between oldest and youngest family members:

Find the first non consecutive number:

Find the position:

Find the remainder:

Find the slope:

Find the smallest integer in the array:

Five without numbers:

Fix the bugs:

Fix the loop:

Fix your code before the garden dies:

Fixme replace all dots:

For twins 1 types:

For ufc fans total beginners conor mcgregor vs george saint pierre:

Formatting decimal places 0:

Function 1 hello world:

Function 2 squaring an argument:

Function 3 multiplying two numbers:

Fundamentails return:

Generate range of integers:

Geometry basics distance between points in 2d:

Get ascii value of character:

Get character from ascii value:

Get nth even number:

Get number from string:

Get planet by id:

Get the mean of an array:


Grasshopper array mean:

Grasshopper basic function fixer:

Grasshopper bug squashing:

Grasshopper check for factor:

Grasshopper combine strings:

Grasshopper create the rooms:

Grasshopper debug:

Grasshopper debug say hello:

Grasshopper grade book:

Grasshopper if else syntax debug:

Grasshopper messi goals:

Grasshopper personalized message:

Grasshopper summation:

Grasshopper terminal combat function:

Grasshopper terminal game move function:

Grasshopper variable assignment debug:

Grasshoppper function syntax debugging:

Grasshoppper messi goals function:

Gravity flip:

Greek sort:


Hello name or world:

Hex to decimal:

How do i compare numbers:

How good are you really:

How many lightsaber do you own:

How much water do i need:

How old will i be in 2099:

I love you a little a lot passionately not at all:

If you canrt sleep just count sheep:

Incorrect division method:

Invert values:

Is divisible by x and y:

Is he gonna survive:

Is it a number:

Is it a palindrome:

Is it event:

Is the date today:

Is the string upper:

Is there a vowel there:

Is this my tail:

Is your period late:

Johny secret message:

Kata example twist:

Keep hydrated:

Keep up the hoop:

L1 bartender drinks:

L1 set alarm:

Lario and muigi pipe problem:

Loenardo dicaprio and oscars:

Logical calculator:

Love at first byte:

Make uppercase:

Man in the west:

Merge two sorted arrays into one:

Merging sorted integer arrays:

Methods of string concat split and join:

Multiple of index:

Multiplication table for number:


Multiply the number:

Multiply word in string:

My head is at the wrong end:

Name on billboard:

Name shuffler:

Name your python:

Nba full 48 minutes average:

No loop 2 you only need one:

No zero for heros:

Noob code 01 supersize me or rather this integer:

Nth power:

Number to string:

Object oriented piracy:

Online rpg player too qualifying stage:

Opposite number:

Opposites attracks:

Palindrome strings:

Parse float:

Parse nice int from char problem:

Pick a set of first elements:

Playing with cubes 2:


Polish alphabet:

Powers of 2:

Pre fizzbuzz workout #1:

Price of mangoes:

Printing array elements with command delimiters:

Pythagorean triple:

Quarter of the year:

Regex count lowercase letters:

Regexp basics is it a digit:

Regexp basics is it a vowel:

Regulaer ball super ball:

Remore first and last charater:

Remove duplicates from list:

Remove exclamation marks:

Remove first and last character part two:

Remove string spaces:

Remove the time:

Removing elements:

Repeat it:

Return negative:

Return the day:

Return the first m multiples of n:

Return to sanity:

Return two highest values in list:

Returning strings:

Reverse list order:

Reversed sequence:

Reversed strings:

Reversed words:

Reversing words in a string:

Safen user input part 1 htmlspecialchars:

Sentence smash:

Short long short:

Simple calculator:

Simple multplication:

Simple validation of a username with regex:

Sleigh authentication:

Smallest unused id:

Sort and star:

Speed code #2 array madness:

Square n sum:

Squash the bugs:

String cleaning:

String repeat:

String templates bug fixing 5:

Stringy strings:

Student final grade:

Sum array:

Sum mixed array:

Sum of differences in array:

Sum of multiples:

Sum of positive:

Sum the strings:

Sum without highest and lowest number:

Super duper easy:

Surface area and volume of a box:

Swap values:

Switch it up:

Take the derivative:

Template feature:

The feast of many beast:

The if function:

The wide mouthed frog:

They say that only the name is long enough to attract attention they also said that only a simple kata will have someone to solve it this is a sadly story #1 are they opposite:

Thinkful dictionary drills order filler:

Thinkful logic drills traffic light:

Third angle of a triangle:

Tip calculator:

To square or not to square:

Total amount of points:

Transportation on vacation:

Triple double:

Twice as old:

Uefa euro 2016:

Unexpected parsing:

Unfinished loop bug fixing #1:

Usd cny:

Validate code with simple regex:

Volume of a cuboid:

Vowel remover:



Welcome to the city:

Well of ideas easy version:

What in between:

What the real floor:

Who is going to pay for the wall:

Will there be enough space:

Will you make it:

Wilson primes:

You cant code under pressure 1:

You only need one beginner: