A simple AT command library implement based on FSM(parse AT-script) , queue(AT-notation buffer) and hash looup(AT-notation store).
CI | Coverage | Lint | Project | PR |
standard record string : "AT+HGABC?;+HGDDD=?;+HGSBD;+HGHIO=1,2,"hello world!\n"\n"
at command register sequence : at command struct table --> hash lookup table.
at command handle sequence : origin input string -filter-> standard record string -fsm-> list of at_cmd_t --> perform list --> release list.
- record : "AT+HGABC?;+HGDDD=?;+HGSBD;+HGHIO=1,2,"hello world!\n"\n"
- prefix : "AT"
- command : "+HGABC?" , "+HGDDD=?" , "+HGSBD" and "+HGHIO=1,2,"hello world!\n"\n"
- command name : "+HGABC" , "+HGDDD" , "+HGSBD" and "+HGHIO"
- delimiter command : ';'
- delimiter record : '\n'
Please refer to smaple.c for usage of libat API.