Popular Movies
This is a completely functional popular movies app which was made by me for a project on 'Udactiy Android Nanodegree Program'
The app was reviewed by udacity experienced revieweres and was designated as 'meets the specifications'.
- The app displays a list of movies which can either be sorted by pupular, high-rated, or favourites.
- The favourites list is an user preference of the movies. Movies can be added into the favourites list by the user.
- The app also displays the ratings and reviews for the movies.
API-KEY The app uses 'moviedb' API so it requires an API key. The key can be got from moviedb website - https://www.themoviedb.org The API-KEY thus obtained then must be pasted in file \app\src\main\java\com\example\shubham\popularmovies\Utillities\NetworkUtils
final static String API_KEY = "INSERT-YOUR-KEY";