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Trial Blender Addons

This is a repository that contains addons for Blender specifically for creating models and levels for use with the Trial engine.


Then you can download the latest release of our plugin and the dependent KHR_physics_rigid_bodies directly here from GitHub. The zip files can be imported into Blender just like any other addon.

Activating the plugin should give you a new menu entry under Add to create trigger volumes, as well as new action properties specific to Trial. Finally, it hooks into the glTF2 plugin to properly export and import the extra data.

JSON Schema

The export/import defines the SHIRAKUMO_trial extension block, which can contain different fields depending on the type of node it is attached to.

On rig nodes the fields are:

  • cancelable (animated) Whether the animation can be cancelled
  • invincible (animated) Whether the character is invincible
  • targetDamage (animated) How much damage to deal to the target
  • stunTarget (animated) How much stun time to add to the target
  • knockTarget (animated) Whether the target should receive knockback
  • lockTarget (animated) Whether the attack target should be locked into the place and orientation of the object named target
  • lockCamera (animated) Whether the camera should be locked into the place and orientation of the object named camera

On object nodes set as physics objects the fields are:

  • virtual If true the object should not be rendered but still participate in collisions
  • trigger
    • form The Lisp expression to evaluate
  • spawner
    • spawn The object to spawn. Can either be:
      • The name of another object in the scene
      • A Lisp expression designating a list of the object class and the initialisation arguments
    • spawnCount The number of objects to spawn
    • autoDeactivate Whether the trigger should deactivate after all spawned objects were removed
    • respawnCooldown How much time to wait to respawn a removed object
  • killvolume
    • kill A Lisp type expression to match which objects to remove when entering the trigger volume
  • checkpoint
    • spawnPoint The location at which to respawn after triggering the checkpoint
  • progressionTrigger
    • state The state to update. If unset defaults to progression
    • value The value to update it with. If unset defaults to 1
    • mode The mode to determine how to update the state. If unset defaults to INC. Can be one of:
      • INC The new value is the value added to the current state value
      • DEC The new value is the value subtracted from the current state value
      • SET The new value is the value
    • condition The condition that must be true for the state update to happen. If unset defaults to T. Should be a Lisp expression that evaluates to a boolean.
  • cameraTrigger
    • state What state the camera should be in once hitting this trigger. Can be one of:
      • FREE The camera can be freely moved by the player
      • FIXED The camera is in a fixed offset to its target
      • ANIMATED The camera follows the path and orientation encoded in the animation named by target
    • target The name of the object to target. If unset, don't change the target.
    • offset The offset of the camera to the target as a triplet of coordinates:
      1. DISTANCE The distance between the camera and the target
      2. ANGLE The angle on the world XZ plane that the camera is at
      3. HEIGHT The angle of the camera on the Y quadrant above the XZ plane

On animations the fields are:

  • type
    • DEFAULT Default animation that is just played back with no engine assistance.
    • BLOCKING A blocking animation that has a cancelable property.
    • PHYSICAL A physical root-motion animation.
  • velocityScale How much to scale the physical root motion by
  • loop Whether the animation should loop or not
  • next The name of the animation to queue after this one
  • blendDuration The default duration (in seconds) to use when blending to this animation
  • effects An array of effects triggers, with each element being an effect description:
    • start The point in time during the animation at which the effect should be started
    • end The point in time during the animation at which the effect should be stopped. Can be omitted.
    • effect The name of the effect to trigger.

On scenes the fields are:

  • envmap The path to the hdr environment map file
  • envmapOrientation A 3-component vector designating the orientation of the environment map
  • envmapColor A 3-component color multiplier of the environment map