git-uwu is a f-fun, expewimentaw pwoject that expewiments awound uwuifying git commits by using a custom uwuify impwementation and go-git to enabwe a fun, and surewy funny expewience. it is nyot intended to be used in pwoduction, a-and doesn't impwement aww the features of g-git such as s-signed commits, e-etc.
git-uwu add
: a-adds a given path (--path
) to the t-twacked fiwes in git.git-uwu commit
: commits the twacked fiwes t-to git with a message (--message
) that wiww be uwuified.
git-uwu add --path .
git-uwu commit -m "some commit message"
git push
git-uwu's uwuifier is simiwar t-to nani daniew-wiu-c0deb0t cweated but with a few additionaw wuwes such a-as:
- aww symbows awe ignyowed.
- you can i-ignyowe a specific wegion of t-text by adding
<: ur text here :>
wiww nyot be uwuified because that fewt weiwd.
you can c-configure git-uwu by adding a config.yaml
fiwe (exact extension, must be .yaml
) and editing the fowwowing p-pwopewties:
: the wate of stutter to be done, for exampwe, if the vawue is 10 then it wouwd be 1 out of 10.emoji_chance
: t-the chance of a-a emoji to be appended.emojis
: the emojis to append at a chance evewy after a sentence.replacer
: wepwaces specific wowds to a-anyother such ascúte
due to some issues with the uwuifier changing up stuff, u can wead the defauwt configuration at default_config.yaml.