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ES Next 学习笔记

  1. ES Next Mind Map
  1. ES Next 简述
  2. 环境准备
  3. 开发环境
  4. ES Next Feat List
  5. 扩展:现代前端环境
  1. Scope
  2. Let & Const
  3. Desctructuring
  4. String
  5. Number
  6. Array
  7. Object
  8. Function
  9. Class
  10. Symbol
  11. Set
  12. Map
  13. RegExp
  14. Proxy
  15. Reflect
  16. Promise
  17. Generator
  18. Iterator
  19. Module
  1. Array.prototype.includes()
  2. Exponentiation Operator
  1. String
  2. Object
  3. Async & Await
  4. Trailing commas
  1. For await of
  2. RegExp
  3. String
  4. Object Rest & Spread
  5. Promise.prototype.finally()
  1. String.prototype.{trimStart.trimEnd}
  2. Array.prototype.{flat.flatMap}
  3. Symbol.prototype.description
  4. Object.fromEntries()
  5. Function.prototype.toString()
  6. JSON
  7. 可选的 Catch Binding
  1. BigInt
  2. String.prototype.matchAll()
  3. Promise.allSettled()
  4. Dynamic Import()
  5. ES Module 增强
  6. globalThis
  7. Optional chaining
  8. Nullish coalescing Operator
  1. String.prototype.replaceAll()
  2. Promise.any()
  3. WeakRefs & Finalizers
  4. Logical Assignment Operators
  5. Numeric separators
  1. Class Fields
  2. RegExp Match Indices
  3. Top-level await
  4. Ergonomic brand checks for Private Fields
  5. .at()
  6. Accessible Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
  7. Class Static Block
  8. Error Cause
  1. Array.prototype.{findLast.findLastIndex}
  2. Hashbang Grammar
  3. Symbols as WeakMap keys
  4. Change Array by Copy
  1. Well-Formed Unicode Strings
  2. Atomics.waitAsync
  3. RegExp v flag with set notation + properties of strings
  4. Resizable and Growable ArrayBuffers
  5. Array Grouping
  6. Promise.withResolvers
  7. ArrayBuffer.prototype.transfer and friends
  1. Duplicate named capture groups
  2. Set Methods
  1. Intl API
  2. Intl.DateTimeFormat
  3. Intl.NumberFormat
  4. Intl.Collator
  5. Intl.ListFormat
  6. Intl.RelativeTimeFormat
  1. JS 中 ?.、??、??= 的用法及使用场景
  2. 正则表达式中的?:、?=和?!有什么区别
  3. JS 数组方法汇总
  4. JS 字符串方法汇总

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ES6+ 学习笔记(ES2015-2025新特性笔记)







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