This repository is the official implementation of [Re] IDOL: Inertial Deep Orientation-Estimation and Localization. The code is being prepared for submission to: ( Reproducibility Challenge 2021 Fall Edition, and a course project in CISC 867 Deep Learning, Queen's University.
- Quaternion Multiplication -> See here
- Yury Petrov's Ellipsoid Fitting (Python Version) -> See here
- Extended Kalman Filters -> See here
- 3Blue1Brown Quaternion Explanations -> See here
- IMUs and what they do -> See here
- What is a random walk? -> See here
📋 Optional: include a graphic explaining your approach/main result, bibtex entry, link to demos, blog posts and tutorials
Optional Dependencies piptools - used to modify requirements.txt without dependency hassles.
pip install pip-tools
- (Optional) To generate new requirements (after adding new requirement to
Note: This requires that you install pip-tools, if you haven't installed pip-tools then
please do
pip install pip-tools
to use the command below.
- To setup virtual environment:
python -m venv .venv
- To activate virtual environment (unix):
source .venv/bin/activate
- To install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To setup the datasets: a. Create a folder called datasets. b. Create another folder within datasets called csvs. You should have datasets/csvs as part of your folder structure c. Download and extract the datasets from here. Extract each building into datasets.
To install tensorflow graphics a. Run
git clone
to the directory where you cloned tensorflow graphics. c. Runpython -m venv .venv
d. Runsource .venv/bin/activate
(Windows Powershell) or.\.venv\Scripts\activate.bat
(Windows Cmd) e. Runpip install wheel
f. Runpython bdist_wheel
to Re-IDOL's location. h. Runpip install /path/to/tensorflow-graphics-location/dist/tensorflow_graphics-2021.12.11-py3-none-any.whl
To train the model(s) in the paper, run this command:
python train_orient --option=<option number 1-3>
python train_pos --option=<option number 1-3>
To test the model(s) in the paper, run this command:
python test_orient --option=<option number 1-3>
python test_pos --option=<option number 1-3>
You can find pretrained models in the directory: pretrained/Buildings"<number 1-3>"/OrientNet
Our model achieves the following performance on the known set (training) of buildings (1-3)/ the unknown set (1-3):
Model name | Building 1 | Building 2 | Building 3 |
OrientNet (rad) | x / test | x / test | tbd |
PosNet (meter) | y / test | y / test | tbd |
📋 Include a table of results from your paper, and link back to the leaderboard for clarity and context. If your main result is a figure, include that figure and link to the command or notebook to reproduce it.
Uses Apache License, see LICENSE for more details.