🚀 Changelog
Bump to version 1.4
make genres
nullabe. Fixes #42
also increment count on non added items. Fixes #41
fix invalid rounding on main image. Fixes #35
add tab selection listener after page change listener. Fixes #38
fix selected filters resetting by saving in save state handle. Fixes #31
support landscape orientation
support for split screen
make empty search layouts responsive
fix fab size to normal
make search field single line
set light notification bar in auth activity
make bottom navigation fixed behavior
move safe args parsing to savedStateHandle
in viewmodel
move search result pagingData
to live data in viewmodel
move grid span to UIConstants
and int resource based on google's recommended breakpoints
fix loadStateListener
remove instrumentation tests and use robolectric
migrate to apollo3, refactor signatures
up compileSdkVersion
and targetSdkVersion
to 32
add share anime/manga option in details page
alphabetically sort deps versions
disable final-newline
rule in ktlint
move search fabs to individual fragments
make root layout constraint layout
kotlin newer std api migration
trim search query to prevent white space searches
move global functions to utils objects
move manga
package to manga_list
move anime
package to anime_list
move to getCatching
for normal tasks in repos
move to getCatchingPaging
for paging sources
fix capitalizeFirst
add compiler args to build script
remove moshi reflection adapter
make github actions only run on pull requests and push to main/master
code style changes
remove unused assets
version bumps
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