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JS Tips and Tricks WIP

Get Unique items from array

    let unique_items = (items) => items.filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index);

Check if date in past

    let is_date_in_past = (date) => (+(new Date()) - 86400000) > +(new Date(date));

Check if year is leap year

    let isLeapYear = (year) => !(year&3||year&15&&!(year%25))

Another way of IIFE


Cast a list of primitive values to a different type

    const naiveList = ['1500', '1350', '4580'];
    const castedList =;
    // castedList = [1500, 1350, 4580]

Checking 'falsy' props much easier than u think :D

    // In some cases you need to check if prop has a 'falsy' value, then your code maybe....
    if(value != 'undefined' || value != null || value != '' || value != NaN || value != 0){
        // do something
   // you can do same thing..
        // do something

A tricky way to normalize fetched data

 var data = { 
    title : '',
    name : 'Jhon Doe',
    present_addr : '1255 Heron Way',
    permanent_addr : undefined,
    mobile: '503-804-1602',
    phone : null
  //this will filter all garbage data like undefined or null or false and return rest
  let details = [...Object.values(data)].filter(Boolean).join(', ')

  //now `details` contains "Jhon Doe, 1255 Heron Way, 503-804-1602"

Some essential functions for Good Practice

<!--Dbouncing means delaying any function to run until the right time come -->
<!--usages: any frequently fired event  like resize, scroll, key-->

<!--Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not-->
<!--be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for-->
<button id="debounce"> 
var button = document.getElementById("debounce"); 
const debounce = (func, delay) => { 
    let debounceTimer 
    return function() { 
      const context = this
      const args = arguments 
      debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => func.apply(context, args), delay) 
button.addEventListener('click', debounce(function() { 
        alert("Hello\nNo matter how many times you" + 
            "click the debounce button, I get " + 
            "executed once every 3 seconds!!") 
                        }, 3000)); 
//A good trick for getting an absolute URL from a variable string
var getAbsoluteUrl = (function() {
    var a;
    return function(url) {
        if (!a) a = document.createElement('a');
        a.href = url;
        return a.href;
// Usage
getAbsoluteUrl('/something'); //
//it enables you to change the stylesheet halfway down the line, 
//which means you don’t have to go back and customize the entire stylesheet.

var style = (function() {
    // Create the <style> tag
    var style = document.createElement("style");

    // WebKit hack

    // Add the <style> element to the page
    console.log(style.sheet.cssRules); // length is 0, and no rules

    return style;
style.sheet.insertRule('.foo{color:red;}', 0);
console.log(style.sheet.cssRules); // length is 1, rule added
// it only runs one time for a page, 
//this avoid duplicating initializations

function once(fn, context) {
    var result;
    return function() {
        if (fn) {
            result = fn.apply(context || this, arguments);
            fn = null;
        return result;
// Usage
// it is used while calling a function 
//not when defining a function
var canOnlyFireOnce = once(function() {
canOnlyFireOnce(); // "Fired!"
canOnlyFireOnce(); // nada
// it allows developers to periodically “pol” the server 
//and request new information like new emails, messages, etc.

// The polling function
function poll(fn, timeout, interval) {
    var endTime = Number(new Date()) + (timeout || 2000);
    interval = interval || 100;
    var checkCondition = function(resolve, reject) {
        // If the condition is met, we're done!
        var result = fn();
        if (result) {
        // If the condition isn't met but the timeout hasn't elapsed, go again
        else if (Number(new Date()) < endTime) {
            setTimeout(checkCondition, interval, resolve, reject);
        // Didn't match and too much time, reject!
        else {
            reject(new Error('timed out for ' + fn + ': ' + arguments));
    return new Promise(checkCondition);
// Usage: ensure element is visible
poll(function() {
    return document.getElementById('lightbox').offsetWidth > 0;
}, 2000, 150).then(function() {
    // Polling done, now do something else!
}).catch(function() {
    // Polling timed out, handle the error!
//We can validate our element before move ahead

    function matchesSelector(el, selector) {
    var p = Element.prototype;
    var f = p.matches || p.webkitMatchesSelector || p.mozMatchesSelector || p.msMatchesSelector || function(s) {
        return [], this) !== -1;
    return, selector);
// Usage
matchesSelector(document.getElementById('myDiv'), 'div.someSelector[some-attribut]')
get x,y coordinate to degree
  function getDegrees(x, y, width, height){
    let deltaX = (width / 2) - x;
    let deltaY = (height / 2) - y;
    let deg  = Math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX) * (180 / Math.PI) + 270;
    return deg % 360;
get moving average of a given array
  function arr_sum(arr) {
    var len = arr.length;
    var num = 0;
    while (len--) num += Number(arr[len]);
    return num;
  function avg(arr, idx, range) {
    return arr_sum(arr.slice(idx - range, idx)) / range;
  function toFixed(n) {
    return n.toFixed(2);
  function simple_rolling_average(arr, range) {
    var num = range || arr.length;
    var res = [];
    var len = arr.length + 1;
    var idx = num - 1;
    while (++idx < len) {
      res.push(toFixed(avg(arr, idx, num)));
      //res.push(avg(arr, idx, num));
    return res;
  let items = [...Array(101).keys()];
  simple_rolling_average(items, 5)
get browser name and version by given window.navigator object
function browserDetector(navigator) {
  var ua = navigator.userAgent;
  var tem;
  var M =
    ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) ||
  if (/trident/i.test(M[1])) {
    tem = /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(ua) || [];
    return "IE " + (tem[1] || "");
  if (M[1] === "Chrome") {
    tem = ua.match(/\b(OPR|Edge)\/(\d+)/);
    if (tem != null) return tem.slice(1).join(" ").replace("OPR", "Opera");
  M = M[2] ? [M[1], M[2]] : [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, "-?"];
  if ((tem = ua.match(/version\/(\d+)/i)) != null) M.splice(1, 1, tem[1]);
  return {
    browser: M[0] || "unknown",
    version: M[1] || "unknown",
    browseros: `${M[0]} ${M[1]}`,

Think twice Think thrice before work with numbers!

    // When converting something to integer
    // the thriller begins :p

    +""          // 0
    +"5"         // 5
    +"5.00"      // 5
    +"5.00r"     // NaN

    Number("")         // 0
    Number("5")        // 5
    Number("5.00")     // 5
    Number("5.00r")    // NaN
    Number("str")   // NaN

    parseInt("")       // NaN
    parseInt("5")      // 5
    parseInt("5.00")   // 5
    parseInt("5.00r")  // 5
    parseInt("str0")   // NaN

    Number.parseInt("")         // NaN
    Number.parseInt("5")        // 5
    Number.parseInt("5.00")     // 5
    Number.parseInt("5.00r")    // 5
    Number.parseInt("str5")   // NaN

    +2.345                   //2.345
    Number(2.345)            //2.345
    parseInt(2.345)          //2
    Number.parseInt(2.345)   //2

    +(-1)                 //-1
    Number(-1)            //-1
    parseInt(-1)          //-1
    Number.parseInt(-1)   //-1

    +(-0)                  //-0
    Number(-0)             //-0
    parseInt(-0)           //0
    Number.parseInt(-0)    //0

    +NaN         //NaN
    +undefined   //NaN
    +null        //0
    +true        //1
    +false       //0

    Number(NaN)          //NaN
    Number(undefined)    //NaN
    Number(null)         //0
    Number(true)         //1
    Number(false)        //0

    parseInt(NaN)         //NaN
    parseInt(undefined)   //NaN
    parseInt(null)        //NaN
    parseInt(true)        //NaN
    parseInt(false)       //NaN

    Number.parseInt(NaN)        //NaN
    Number.parseInt(undefined)  //NaN
    Number.parseInt(null)       //NaN
    Number.parseInt(true)       //NaN
    Number.parseInt(false)      //NaN

    +[]                   //0
    Number([])            //0
    parseInt([])          //NaN
    Number.parseInt([])   //NaN

    +['somevalue'])                    //NaN
    Number(['somevalue']))             //NaN
    parseInt(['somevalue']))           //NaN
    Number.parseInt(['somevalue']))    //NaN

    +{}                   //NaN
    Number({})            //NaN
    parseInt({})          //NaN
    Number.parseInt({})   //NaN

    +{value:'somevalue'}                   //NaN
    Number({value:'somevalue'})            //NaN
    parseInt({value:'somevalue'})          //NaN
    Number.parseInt({value:'somevalue'})   //NaN


Javascript Tips and Tricks for everyday use






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