This is the third assignment of ADLxMLDS course, NTU 2017 Fall, which is an implementation of Deep Q Learning (DQN) playing Breakout from OpenAI's gym with Keras.
I've implement deep reinforcement learning algorithm with Keras. In this project, the following techniques have been implemented:
- Deep Q Learning
- Double Q Learning
- Dueling Network
- Prioritized Experience Play
Here's the architecture overview of DQN model in this work:
The project is derived from an assignment of the course ADLxMLDS 2017 fall.
The follow packages are required, you can install them with pip3 install [package]
- opencv-python
- gym
- gym[atari]
- tensorflow
- keras
- scipy
Training an agent to play atari game
To train an agent playing Breakout with DQN, simply run
python --train_dqn
To activate advanced algorithm such as Double DQN (DDQN)/ Dueling Network, you can run
python --train_dqn --ddqn True
python --train_dqn --dueling True
Test the agent's ability
Before test the code, download the pretrained model from google drive, and put the model into
By running the following command, you can get agent's average score in 100 episode
python --test_dqn
Testing can be performed with the pretrained model training by default or with the model you trained by adding argument
--test_dqn_model_path [your model path]
To visualize the gaming progress, add
to the end. You can also save it to vedio with--video_dir [path to save]
(set smaller testing episode before doing so)python --test_dqn --do_render
python --test_dqn --video_dir [path]
- DQN in Keras + TensorFlow + OpenAI Gym by tokb23
- A tutorial of Prioritized Experience Replay by morvanzhou
- DQN-DDQN-on-Space-Invaders by yilundu
- Framework provided by TAs of the course.