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Utilities by JavaScript for Blazor

  • Local Storage Available to check if available in browser

  • Local Storage Set

  • Local Storage Read

  • Local Storage Remove by key

  • Local Storage Read All without keys

  • Local Storage Remove All

  • Local Storage Count

  • Local Storage Listener for changes

  • Session Storage Available to check if available in browser

  • Session Storage Set

  • Session Storage Read

  • Session Storage Remove by key

  • Session Storage Read All without keys

  • Session Storage Remove All

  • Session Storage Count

  • Session Storage Listener for changes

  • Scroll Hide

  • Scroll Show

  • Scroll To

  • Cookie Read

  • Cookie Delete

  • Alert

  • Prompt

  • Confirm

...... and more coming.

Local Storage scrollbar-controller

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Getting Setup

You can install the package via the nuget package manager just search for ShadyNagy.Blazor.. You can also install via powershell using the following command.

Install-Package ShadyNagy.Blazor.JavaScriptUtilities

Or via the dotnet CLI.

dotnet add package ShadyNagy.Blazor.JavaScriptUtilities

1. Register Services

For Blazor WebAssembly: You will need to add the following using statement and add a call to register the Blazor JavaScript Utilities services in your applications Program.Main method.

using ShadyNagy.Blazor.JavaScriptUtilities;

public static async Task Main(string[] args)

Also you can register what you need only ex


For Blazor Server: You will need to add the following using statement and add a call to register the Blazor JavaScript Utilities services in your applications Startup.ConfigureServices method.

using ShadyNagy.Blazor.JavaScriptUtilities;

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Also you can register what you need only ex


2. Add reference to style sheet & javascript reference

Add the following line to the head tag of your _Host.cshtml (Blazor Server) or index.html (Blazor WebAssembly).

<link rel="stylesheet" href="_content/ShadyNagy.Blazor.JavaScriptUtilities/blazor-javascript-utilities.min.css" />

Then add a reference to the Blazor Utilities JavaScript file at the bottom of the respective page after the reference to the Blazor file before .

<script src="_content/ShadyNagy.Blazor.JavaScriptUtilities/blazor-javascript-utilities-min.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>

3. Add Imports

Add the following to your _Imports.razor

@using ShadyNagy.Blazor.JavaScriptUtilities
@using ShadyNagy.Blazor.JavaScriptUtilities.Services
@using ShadyNagy.Blazor.JavaScriptUtilities.Constants

4. Add Injects

@inject IBlazorScrollController BlazorScrollController
@inject IBlazorCookie BlazorCookie

5. Examples

To hide both scrolls

await BlazorScrollController.HideBodyScrollOverflowAsync(ScrollType.Both);


Please checkout the sample projects in this repo to see working examples of the features in the Blazor JavaScript Utilities.

Registration Functions

Function Description
AddAllBlazorJavaScriptUtilities() Register all services
AddBlazorCookie() Register cookie service only
AddBlazorScrollController() Register scrollbar controller service only
AddBlazorLocalStorage() Register local storage service only
AddBlazorSessionStorage() Register session storage service only
AddBlazorDialog() Register alert, prompt and confirm only

Local Storage Functions

Function Description
Task IsAvailableAsync() Is Available on this browser (Async)
Task SetAsync(string key, string value) Set local storage (Async)
Task GetAsync(string key) Get local storage by key (Async)
Task CountAsync() Count how many local storage (Async)
Task RemoveAsync(string key) Remove local storage by key (Async)
Task ClearAsync() Clear all local storage (Async)
Task<Dictionary<string, string>> GetAllAsync() Get All local storage (Async)
OnChange Event to detect changes at local storage (Async)
Task AddStorageListenerAsync() Add Listener to detect changes at local storage (Async)
string GetChangedKey() Get Changed Key if local storage changed (Async)
ChangedLocalStorage GetChangedLocalStorage() Get Changed will get Key, New Value, Old Value and, URL (Async)

Changed Local Storage Class

property Description
Key Local Storage Key
New Value Local Storage New Value
Old Value Local Storage Old Value
URL Local Storage URL

Cookie Functions

Function Description
Task DeleteCookieAsync(string name) Delete cookie by name (Async)
Task GetCookieAsync(string name) Read cookie by name (Async)
void DeleteCookie(string name) Delete cookie by name (Sync)
string GetCookie(string name) Read cookie by name (Sync)

Dialgo Functions

Function Description
Task ShowAlertAsync(string message) Show Alert with message (Async)
Task ShowConfirmAsync(string message) Show Confirm with message and return true if click ok (Async)
Task ShowPromptAsync(string message, string defaultResponse) Show Prompt with message and return user input (Async)

Scrollbar Controller Functions

Function Description
Task HideScrollOverflowByTagAsync(string tagName, ScrollType scrollType) Hide scrollbar overflow by tag name (Async)
Task ShowScrollOverflowByTagAsync(string tagName, ScrollType scrollType) Show scrollbar overflow by tag name (Async)
Task HideScrollOverflowByClassAsync(string tagName, ScrollType scrollType) Hide scrollbar overflow by class name (Async)
Task ShowScrollOverflowByClassAsync(string tagName, ScrollType scrollType) Show scrollbar overflow by class name (Async)
Task HideBodyScrollOverflowAsync(ScrollType scrollType) Hide scrollbar overflow from body, it will help in modal (Async)
Task ShowBodyScrollOverflowAsync(ScrollType scrollType) Show scrollbar overflow from body, it will help in modal (Async)
Task ScrollVToElementByIdAsync(string elementId, string behavior, string block) Scroll Verical to element by id (Async)
Task ScrollVToElementByTagAsync(string tagName, string behavior, string block) Scroll Verical to element by tag (Async)
Task ScrollVToElementByClassAsync(string className, string behavior, string block) Scroll Verical to element by class name (Async)
Task ScrollHToElementByIdAsync(string elementId, string behavior, string inline) Scroll Horizontal to element by id (Async)
Task ScrollHToElementByTagAsync(string tagName, string behavior, string inline) Scroll Horizontal to element by tag (Async)
Task ScrollHToElementByClassAsync(string className, string behavior, string inline) Scroll Horizontal to element by class name (Async)
Task ScrollToBodyAsync(string behavior, string block) Scroll Verical to body (Async)
Task ScrollToBodyTopAsync(string behavior) Scroll Verical to top of body (Async)
Task ScrollToBodyBottomAsync(string behavior) Scroll Verical to bottom of body (Async)
Task HideScrollOverflowByTag(string tagName, ScrollType scrollType) Hide scrollbar overflow by tag name (Sync)
Task ShowScrollOverflowByTag(string tagName, ScrollType scrollType) Show scrollbar overflow by tag name (Sync)
Task HideScrollOverflowByClass(string tagName, ScrollType scrollType) Hide scrollbar overflow by class name (Sync)
Task ShowScrollOverflowByClass(string tagName, ScrollType scrollType) Show scrollbar overflow by class name (Sync)
Task HideBodyScrollOverflow(ScrollType scrollType) Hide scrollbar overflow from body, it will help in modal (Sync)
Task ShowBodyScrollOverflow(ScrollType scrollType) Show scrollbar overflow from body, it will help in modal (Sync)

Scrollbar Types

Type Description
ScrollType.Vertical Vertical scrollbar will be affected
ScrollType.Horizontal Horizontal scrollbar will be affected
ScrollType.Both Vertical & Horizontal scrollbar will be affected

Scrollbar Behaviors

Type Description
ScrollBehaviors.Auto Auto behavior
ScrollBehaviors.Smooth Smooth behavior

Scrollbar Blocks/Inlines

Type Description
ScrollBlocks.Start Start
ScrollBlocks.Center Center
ScrollBlocks.End End
ScrollBlocks.Nearest Nearest

JavaScipt Files (add to javascript reference)

JavaScript File Description
blazor-javascript-utilities.js If all Javascript functions are used
cookie.js If cookie Javascript functions are used
scroll-controller.js If scrollbar controller Javascript functions are used
storage.js If local/session storage Javascript functions are used
dialog.js If alert, prompt and confirm functions are used


Utilities by JavaScript for Blazor.






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