Node.js module for discovering and controlling Sony BRAVIA Android TVs. This module allows you retrieve all the available service protocol API methods and invoke any of them. All methods return a Promise.
- Turn on your TV
- On the TV go to Settings > Network > Home network setup > Remote device/Renderer > On
- On the TV go to Settings > Network > Home network setup > IP Control > Authentication > Normal and Pre-Shared Key
- On the TV go to Settings > Network > Home network setup > Remote device/Renderer > Simple IP Control > On
- On the TV go to Settings > Network > Home network setup > Remote device/Renderer > Enter Pre-Shared Key > 0000 (or whatever you want your PSK Key to be)
sudo npm install @seydx/bravia@beta -g
const Bravia = require('@seydx/bravia');
const bravia = new Bravia();
async function discover () {
try {
// Attempts to discover any Sony Bravia TVs.
const devices = await;
for (const device in devices) {
} catch (error) {
// Connects to a Bravia TV at with the PSK 0000.
const Bravia = require('@seydx/bravia');
const bravia = new Bravia({host: '', port: 80, psk: '0000'});
To use the API with the PIN procedure, your credentials must first be created. Afterwards this credentials can be used to send further requests.
// Connects to a Bravia TV at and create your credentials.
const Bravia = require('@seydx/bravia');
const name = 'MyTV'; // Default: '@seydx/bravia'
const bravia = new Bravia({name: name, host: '', port: 80, pin: true});
async function example(){
try {
const credentials = await bravia.pair();
} catch(error) {
The PIN displayed on the TV must then be entered in the terminal. This will generate a credentials <Object>
like this:
name: 'MyTV',
uuid: 'e9812807-d394-407c-b657-c89a98804e65',
token: 'A0B9B9D7580466F22EE8F8EA148863774ACCE203',
expires: 'Fr., 26 Apr. 2009 21:42:48 GMT+00:00'
With these credentials u can call the API without any authentication procedure
// Connects to a Bravia TV at with Application Name and UUID.
const Bravia = require('@seydx/bravia');
const credentials = {
name: 'MyTV',
uuid: 'e9812807-d394-407c-b657-c89a98804e65',
token: 'A0B9B9D7580466F22EE8F8EA148863774ACCE203',
expires: 'Fr., 26 Apr. 2009 21:42:48 GMT+00:00'
const bravia = new Bravia({host: '', port: 80, ...credentials});
Alternatively, the credentials can also be created using the built-in CLI. See #CLI
async function api(){
try {
// Retrieves all the system method types and versions.
const methods = await bravia.describe();
// Retrieves all the available IRCC commands from the TV.
const commands = await bravia.exec('system', 'getRemoteControllerInfo');
// Queries the volume info.
const volume = await bravia.exec('audio', 'getVolumeInformation');
// Sets the speaker volume level to 50%.
await bravia.exec('audio', 'setAudioVolume', '1.0', { target: 'speaker', volume: '50' });
} catch(error) {
async function ircc(){
try {
// Retrieves all the available IRCC commands from the TV.
const commands = await bravia.getIRCCCodes();
// Sends an IRCC code signal by name.
await bravia.execCommand('Mute');
// Sends an IRCC code signal by value.
await bravia.execCommand('AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAUAw==');
// Sends multiple IRCC code signals by name and/or value. Change delay to alter time between each command sent.
const delay = 350 //in milliseconds (Default: 350)
await bravia.execCommand(['Hdmi1', 'AAAAAgAAABoAAABaAw==', 'Hdmi2', 'AAAAAgAAABoAAABbAw=='], delay);
} catch(error) {
The TV can easily be switched on via "Wake on LAN" or directly through the API. For WOL you need to enable WOL under TV settings.
Note: Only the screen from TVs in "PRO" mode can be switched ON with Wake-on-LAN. If your TV is in "NORMAL" mode and in standby, you need to enable the Rest API with WOL to perform API calls.
More info:
async function turnOnTV(){
try {
// Optional (Default values)
const options = {
subnet: '',
num_packets: 10,
interval: 100
// Turn on TV through Wake on LAN (WOL)
await bravia.wake('33:7F:62:9F:7B:70', options)
// Turn on TV through API
await bravia.exec('system', 'setPowerStatus', '1.0', { status: true })
} catch(error) {
The bravia cli support following commands:
- pair <host> -p -n: Pair with a Bravia TV or refresh existing token (PIN Authentication)
- <host> (required): Bravia TV ip address.
- -p, --port (optional): Bravia TV port (Default: 80)
- -n, --name (optional): Custom name (Used for PIN Authentication, Default: '@seydx/bravia')
- methods <host> -p: Retrieves all the system method types and versions
- <host> (required): Bravia TV ip address.
- -p, --port (optional): Bravia TV port (Default: 80)
- exec <host> <protocol> <service> <version> <command> -p -n: Execute API call
- <host> (required): Bravia TV ip address.
- <protocol> (required): API Protocol (Endpoint)
- <service> (required): API Service
- <version> (optional): API Service Version (Default: '1.0')
- <command> (optional): API Command (Default: {})
- -p, --port (optional): Bravia TV port (Default: 80)
- -n, --name (optional): Custom name (Used for PIN Authentication, Default: '@seydx/bravia')
- --psk (optional): Pre-Shared Key (if not set, PIN authentication will be used)
- discover: Discover alls your TVs in network
bravia pair -p 80 -n MyTv
The PIN displayed on the TV must then be entered in the terminal. This will generate a credentials <Object>
like this:
name: MyTv
uuid: 20879d92-1234-4ba3-a4ce-9a8444c71fa7
token: FD53E55779F964702178CDEBF71E3BA51A6D3A5D
expires: Fr., 26 Apr. 2009 21:42:48 GMT+00:00