Same Game, New Controllers
When the stock mouse support annoys you so much
when hacking that you make an entire input mod to avoid it.
This project is a set of mods for Reloaded II Mod Loader that provide support for sending and post processing of inputs that get sent to the game.
Hook: Base mod. Provides support for other mods to send inputs to the game.
PostProcess: Provides support for common input post processing effects such as deadzones, swapping triggers.
Custom: Adds controller remapping support for both DInput & XInput Controllers.
XInput: If Custom doesn't work for you, use this for basic 360/XInput controller support.
(Click one of these links to read the individual mod README(s))
Support rotations with Triggers.
- Normally the game doesn't read the trigger values from any controllers, outright ignoring them in the PC version.
- That said, the Engine underneath still supports rotation with triggers, and thus this mod allows you to use the triggers once again.
Support 3P, 4P inputs.
- Of course the game isn't 4 player, although it is believed the game may have had 4 player support prior to the E3 beta.
- Normally the game only reads inputs for the first two controllers, but the last two controllers are still used in some debug menus.
- One of these debug menus is the "Easy Menu/EASY_SELECT" menu.
: Provides support for other mods to set inputs, do input post processing, receive events on input. (IControllerHook