This repository is front-end that enables to play rock-paper-scissors betting player's ethers.
It was created using Reack + metamask + solidity smartcontract and you can check the contract on link.
Since there are no secret (anyone can access global states), it needs commit-reveal scheme.
Once both player commit his/her hand card with random salt, they eventually reveal there hand card with the salt they used.
Game has 4 phases. Participate, Bet, Commit, Reveal. On each phases, players should take an action which is required at the specific phase before phase expires (phase expires in 5 minutes).
Player can create a new game via clicking get started button on main page.
Player can select network to play, betSize which will be the betting fee for both players.
Once game is created, it should wait until opponent participate this game.
The expiration clock can be checked at right, top side, and it does not tick at this phase.
Game creator can share the link of the game, and another player can join the game by just pasting the link to browser.
This will show participating-dialog with betting size and opponent's address.
Once opponent finishes participation, the game switches it's phase to bet.
In this phase, both player should bet clicking Bet button.
They finally deposit betSize ethers to the game contract.
Once opponent finishes betting, the game switches it's phase to commit.
Players can commit by drag & drop their card.
Once opponent finishes setting the card, the game switches it's phase to reveal.
Players can reveal by clicking their set card.
If both players open their cards, the game is won or lost, and the winner takes all the betting money.
If opponent does not do anything on bet, commit, reveal phase, you can kick out the player and get win if phase is commit or reveal.
- bet phase: kick out opponent only
- commit & reveal: kick out and take all the betting money.
When I was designing this game, I knew there are two way.
- create dialog to get salt (like a password) when commiting.
- create salt using crypto
and store it browser local storage.
First way is better security, but poor game experience.
Second way is better, smooth game experience, but poor security
I knew browser localstorage is not safe but wanted to create smooth game.
This project was built for educational myself to learn how to create dapp.
I've learned blockchain concept, smartcontract, developement of dapp.
So there can be some points to fix or add to deploy on mainnet.
If you are interested on my project, you can make issue or PR anytime.
Thanks to reach out my small dapp project.