Clickpad driver for Lenovo XX40(T540/T440/X240/E440 etc) series laptops, it is based on xf86-input-synaptics 1.8.1-1 driver. Some features have been added and some have been discarded.
- Multitouch Support
- Synclient & Syndaemon Compatible
- Two Finger Scroll
- Adjustable Button Layout
- Tap and Hold Gesture
Run 'synclient -l' for the list of all available options
All values are in percent. (See clickpad.jpg)
- BottomButtonsHeight - The height of bottom buttons. 0=NO bottom buttons.
- BottomButtonsSepPos - Bottom buttons separator position, from the left edge to the center of the separator.
- BottomButtonsSepWidth - Bottom buttons separator width, 0=NO separator.
To make the bottom area into a ginormous right button one could do:
Option "BottomButtonsSepPos" "0"
Option "BottomButtonsSepWidth" "0"
- TopButtonsHeight - The height of top buttons.
- TopButtonsMiddleWidth - The width of the middle button.
Default values for the top buttons correspond closely with the markings on the clickpad
- TapAnywhere - Disables/Enables taps(left button) in the "Move/Scroll" area. Note: Clicks are NOT allowed in this area.
- TapHoldGesture - Tap and Hold Gesture timeout, 0 to disable.
- TwoFingerScrollFingerSize - Mostly internal setting for when scroll originates in a button area, but if you have unusually large/small fingers try adjusting this.
- MinTapPressure - How hard to hit the click pad for a tap to register.
evtest /dev/input/event[DEVICE_NUMBER]|grep ABS_MT_PRESSURE
To see what your clickpad reports.
All other available setting have been keep from the original synaptics driver google 'man synaptics' for info.
Pressure Motion related options will have no effect as of now. I kept them in there because I like the idea and once I have sometime I'll add it.
Because I could not stand the new clickpad that Lenovo put into an otherwise good laptop.