This plugin was coded by Ren @ AresCentral, inspired by a similar command that existed on Gray Harbor.
For games using FS3, the Dotcount command allows a player to monitor the status of their stats with respect to the game's cap for Attributes and Action Skills. For example:
+--- O~~m -------------------------------------------------------------------+
Total dots on Ren's sheet:
Attributes...........15 / 20
Action Skills........55 / 60
Current XP............4 / 10
+------------------------------------------------------------------- O~~m ---+
+--- O~~m -------------------------------------------------------------------+
Total dots on Ren's sheet:
Attributes...........15 / 19
Action Skills........55 / 60
Current XP............4 / 10
An Attribute at Poor lowers the Attribute cap by 1.
+------------------------------------------------------------------- O~~m ---+
To show this information on the web profile, some manual editing is necessary. Please see the 'Installation' section for details.
- In the game, run
If you only want this for client users, you can stop there. To add it to the bottom of the XP tab on character profiles:
- Edit
(you can do this from the web portal's custom code area) to adddotcount: Dotcount.web_dotcount(
. If you haven't added any other custom fields, that section should end up looking like:
def self.get_fields_for_viewing(char, viewer)
return {
dotcount: Dotcount.web_dotcount(
- Edit
(you will need to ssh into your shell for this one) and add this to the end:
{{#if this.char.custom.dotcount}}
<div class="dotcount">
This will result in the bottom of the XP tab looking something like this:
Please be aware it will only show up for a character whose sheet shows at least one dot above baseline in Attributes or Action Skills.
Removing the plugin requires some code fiddling. See Uninstalling Plugins.
Same as AresMUSH.