Sara Talebian, Henrik Carlsen, Oliver Johnson, Jan Volkholz, Elvine Kwamboka and Jonas Parnow
In this case study, we develop and use a set of stakeholder-driven sub-global scenarios linked to the global climate scenario architecture, especially the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) to explore future cross-border climate impacts and adaptation options in Kenya. Co-production techniques are used throughout the process for developing scenarios and using them for impact assessment and adaptation planning.
This repository contains the code for Co-producing adaptation options to address future cross-border climate impacts. It is part of the SENSES Toolkit.
The source code is licensed under the ISC license. Text and graphics are licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. For licensing information on datasets please refer to the data sources section. Exceptions are listed below on a per-file basis.
Data sources and if applicable licenses are listed below on a per-file basis.
[Sara Talebian, Henrik Carlsen (2020): Case study results, future socioeconomic drivers, and states](data/Excel file 1 - case study results, future socioeconomic drivers, and states (Figure 1 & 2).xlsx)store/modules/impacts.js
[Sara Talebian, Henrik Carlsen (2020): Case study results, future cross-border climate impacts](data/Excel file 2 - case study results, future cross-border climate impacts (Figure 5).xlsx)components/Section-Adaptation.vue
[Sara Talebian, Henrik Carlsen (2020): Case study results, adaptation options](data/Excel file 3 - case study results, adaptation options (Table 1. Key areas of adaptation).xlsx)store/modules/driver.js
Source: SSP Database; License for the SSP database hosted by IIASAstore/modules/time.js
Source: ISIMIP Database; License for the ISIMIP scenario data
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
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