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Generate Anki flashcards from Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive.



For people who more or less know what they're doing:

pip install typer genanki

git clone
cd selkokortti
git submodule update --init --remote

python --help


The most flexible way to use this is with range, which will create flashcards from between those dates, inclusive:


Then you can import the cards.apkg to Anki, and start going through the new Selko deck it creates.

If you wish to inspect the cards.apkg yourself before importing it, unzip it and load the resulting collections.anki2 into a SQLite viewer, as below:



For folks who don't, I'm going to use the tutorial-in-a-box technique to help you get started. My hope is that after you run this, you'll be able to figure out how to install it yourself if you want to, wherever you want to.

You'll need Virtualbox (it makes virtual machines, basically little computer inside your computer) and Vagrant (it lets us use VB from the command line). You can get stable versions of these on Linux, Windows, BSD, and (non-ARM) Macs.

First run

mkdir tutorial/
cd tutorial/

vagrant init debian/bookworm64
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

You can exit this Linux virtual machine at any time with exit, and destroy it completely with

vagrant destroy --force

. Going back into tutorial/ and running vagrant up will recreate it from scratch as if nothing happened, and running vagrant ssh will put you back in the VM.

Let's install everything we need. apt lets us install things on Debian from the command line.

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install git python3-pip -y

pip3 install typer genanki --break-system-packages

export PATH="$PATH:/home/vagrant/.local/bin"

Next run

git clone

cd selkokortti/

to clone this repo and go inside its folder. If you get asked something like Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?, answer yes.

You should now see a fancy help text appear when you run

python3 --help

But we still need the actual data for our flashcards, which comes from this other repo. So run

git clone selkouutiset-scrape-cleaned/

to get the latest data.

Now, finally, you can generate your flashcard Anki deck with e.g.

python3 range 2024.02.01 2024.02.05    # Flashcards from February 1st to 5th, 2024, inclusive.

A file called cards.apkg will appear in your current directory, which you can see by running ls. This is what you want for Anki. Getting to the point where you generate this cards.apkg is on you, but hopefully this Slowstart helps you see everything you need to do to get there, regardless of your experience level.