Library for resolving DIDs in SelfKey method space
npm i --save selfkey-did-resolver
The following example script shows how we can integrate the did-resolver library:
const selfkeyResolver = require('selfkey-did-resolver')
const did = 'did:key:0x62dfbf9cee9c6eded64d7e0b1e72165f0d26a7c8'
runTest = async () => {
const doc = await selfkeyResolver(did)
console.log(JSON.stringify(doc, undefined, 2))
Alternatively you can run the script via the command line by passing the DID string as an argument:
node src/index.js did:key:0x62dfbf9cee9c6eded64d7e0b1e72165f0d26a7c8
npm run test