The repository contains new versions of adaptors for JVM-based test frameworks.
All the artifacts are deployed to
The new TestNG adaptors is pretty much ready. To use the adaptor you should add the following dependency:
also you need to configure AspectJ weaver to support steps.
The first draft of a new JUnit 4 adaptor is ready. To use the adaptor you should add the following dependency:
To use JUnit 5 simply add the following dependency to your project:
Listener for Selenide, that logging steps for Allure:
Usage example:
SelenideLogger.addListener("AllureSelenide", new AllureSelenide().screenshots(true).savePageSource(false));
Capture selenium logs:
SelenideLogger.addListener("AllureSelenide", new AllureSelenide().enableLogs(LogType.BROWSER, Level.ALL));
Filter for rest-assured http client, that generates attachment for allure.
Usage example:
.filter(new AllureRestAssured())
You can specify custom templates, which should be placed in src/main/resources/tpl folder:
.filter(new AllureRestAssured()
Interceptor for OkHttp client, that generates attachment for allure.
Usage example:
.addInterceptor(new AllureOkHttp3())
You can specify custom templates, which should be placed in src/main/resources/tpl folder:
.addInterceptor(new AllureOkHttp3()
Interceptors for Apache HTTP client, that generates attachment for allure.
Usage example:
.addInterceptorFirst(new AllureHttpClientRequest())
.addInterceptorLast(new AllureHttpClientResponse());
Filter that can be used with JAX-RS compliant clients such as RESTeasy and Jersey
Usage example:
JsonPatchMatcher is extension of JsonUnit matcher, that generates pretty html attachment for differences based on json diff patch.