Install the sample template
cd working/templates/extensions
dotnet new -i ./
Uninstall the sample template by using dotnet new -u
and finding the command to uninstall it.
dotnet new -u | sls 'dotnet new.*working\\templates\\extensions'
Install the sample template
cd working/templates/consoleasync
ri bin,obj -r
dotnet new -i ./
Uninstall the sample template by using dotnet new -u
and finding the command to uninstall it.
dotnet new -u | sls 'dotnet new.*working\\templates\\console'
cd working # above the two template folders
dotnet new console -n templatepack -o .
Edit the csproj per tutorial to create a nupkg and don't compile the code, but include it in the nupkg.
Build it and register it
cd working
dotnet pack
# pack will output fqdn of nupkg
dotnet new -i C:\code\dotnet-new-template\working\bin\Debug\AdatumCorporation.Utility.Templates.1.0.0.nupkg
Use it
dotnet new consoleasync -o Test -c Widget -l test
Uninstall it
dotnet new -u | sls 'dotnet new.*AdatumCorp'
dotnet new test -h
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