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doug edited this page Aug 27, 2019 · 18 revisions

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Adding local rules in Security Onion is a rather straightforward process. However, generating custom traffic to test the alert can sometimes be a challenge. Here, we will show you how to add the local rule and then use the python library scapy to trigger the alert.

IPS Policy

Please note if you are using a ruleset that enables an IPS policy in /etc/nsm/pulledpork/pulledpork.conf, your local rules will be disabled. To enabled them, either revert the policy by remarking the ips_policy line (and run rule-update), or add the policy type to the rules in local.rules.

For example, if ips_policy was set to security, you would add the following to each rule:

metadata:policy security-ips

The whole rule would then look something like:

alert tcp any any -> $HOME_NET 7789 (msg: "Vote for Security Onion Toolsmith Tool of 2011!"; reference: url,; content: "toolsmith"; flow:to_server; nocase; sid:9000547; metadata:policy security-ips; rev:1)

These policy types can be found in /etc/nsm/rules/downloaded.rules.


  • Open /etc/nsm/rules/local.rules using your favorite text editor. If this is a distributed deployment, edit local.rules on your master server and it will replicate to your sensors.
  • Let's add a simple rule that will alert on the detection of a string in a tcp session.
alert tcp any any -> $HOME_NET 7789 (msg: "Vote for Security Onion Toolsmith Tool of 2011!"; reference: url,; content: "toolsmith"; flow:to_server; nocase; sid:9000547; rev:1)     
  • Run rule-update (this will merge local.rules into downloaded.rules, update, and restart snort/suricata and barnyard):
sudo rule-update
  • If you built the rule correctly, then snort should be back up and running.
  • Generate some traffic to trigger the alert. To generate traffic we are going to use the python library scapy to craft packets with specific information to ensure we trigger the alert with the information we want.
sudo scapy
  • Enter the following sample in a line at a time. Any line beginning with "#" can be ignored as it is a comment.
# Craft the layer 2 information.
# The ip addresses can be random, but I would suggest sticking to RFC1918
ip = IP()
ip.dst = ""
ip.src = ""

# Craft the layer 3 information.
# Since we specified port 7789 in our snort rule, 
tcp = TCP()
tcp.dport = 7789 = 1234

# Set the playload
payload = "Toolsmith"

# Use the / operator to compose our packet and transfer it with the send() method.
  • Check sguil for the corresponding alert
  • You can see that we have an alert with the IP addresses we specified and the TCP ports we specified. If you right click on the Alert ID column you can select "Transcript" and verify the payload we sent.


If you would like to pull in NIDS rules from a MISP instance, please see:
MISP Rules

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