These are notes from our meetups. If we talk about a good tool or library, I’ll try and add a link here. Feel free to add your own notes.
We tried to create a simple web application that echo’s messages (dare I say, a “twitter clone”?…well, not even close, actually.)
Code is at
Below is a snippet I saved from an earlier attempt:
(defonce hollas (atom []))
(defn layout [title & body]
[:meta {:charset "UTF-8"}]
[:title title]]
[:div.container {}
(defn holla-form []
(form/form-to [:post "/"]
(form/label "holla" "What do you want to holler?")
(form/text-area "holla")
(form/submit-button "Holla!")))
(defn display-hollas [hollas]
(for [holla hollas]
[:li {} holla])])
(defn index []
(layout "Holla"
[:div {:class "clear"}]
(display-hollas @hollas)))
(defn add-holla [holla]
(swap! hollas conj holla)
(defroutes routes
(GET "/" [] (index))
(POST "/" [holla] (add-holla holla)))
(def app (handler/site routes))
(defn start [port]
(ring/run-jetty app {:port port :join? false}))
(defn -main []
(let [port (Integer. (or (System/getenv "PORT") "8080"))]
(start port)))
We’re planning on going over Marcus M’s Star Trek port.
- Reddit discussion
- I’ve forked it into the org, in case we make any changes we want to keep.
- UPDATE: I committed the changes we made, if anyone wants to see them.
- Rush Hour game like the one Mark Engelberg made.
- Phil’s Peep Code video, which covers making a game in clojure.
- Caves of Clojure
- Clojure for the Brave and True
- print-foo
- Stuart Sierra’s Component project on github
- “My Clojure Workflow, Reloaded”, Stuart Sierra’s Blog