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Leo Friedrichs edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 6 revisions

Regulating Economy

When adding new features that consume energy it is important to restrict them from occurring unless the economy can handle it.

Economic States

Quorum defines multiple economic states which can be viewed in the table below. These are integers, such that ECONOMY_CRASHED < ECONOMY_FALTERING < ECONOMY_DEVELOPING < ECONOMY_STABLE < ECONOMY_SURPLUS < ECONOMY_BURSTING. The current state of a room can be retrieved using Room.prototype.getEconomyLevel.

Economy states are based off of how much energy is in storage. For rooms that do not have a storage the economy is locked at ECONOMY_STABLE.

Level Energy Levels (at PRL8) Notes
ECONOMY_CRASHED < 15,000 Focus on energy, nothing else
ECONOMY_FALTERING < 280,000 Only spend energy if it will help the room stabilize
ECONOMY_DEVELOPING < 300,000 Perform any required room functions but nothing beyond that
ECONOMY_STABLE < 320,000 Allow larger energy sinks, such as controller upgrades
ECONOMY_SURPLUS >= 320,000 Increase amount spent on energy sinks to try and lower level
ECONOMY_BURSTING >= 320,000 (and storage >90% full) Spend as much energy as possible

Economic Settings

Quorum also has a system for defining what actions take place at each of those levels. Inside src\extends\room\economy.js a simple object exists which defines what room features can be enabled at each economy level-

const economySettings = {





The Room.prototype.isEconomyCapable takes the different economy settings and returns whether the economy is capable of supporting that feature.

Regulating Capabilities

Defining when a room should attempt different actions is just as important as defining if that room can afford them. There are three main methods in Quorum for defining a room's capabilities.

Practical Room Level

The Practical Room Level (PRL) is calculated by comparing the built structures against the limits at each Room Control Level. For instance, a room at RCL8 that had all of its extensions and three towers but no storage would have a PRL of three.

Just like with the economy controls there is a system that defines what objects will run at what PRL, this time defined in src\extends\room\control.js. This object defines settings at each PRL, and those settings can be anything (boolean, integer, string, object). Each subsequent level inherits the settings from the level before it.

Room.prototype.getRoomSetting() will return the specific settings- for example, room.getRoomSetting('UPGRADERS_QUANTITY') will return 5 starting at PRL1, 3 starting at PRL6, and 1 at PRL8.

Direct Capability Checks

For some capabilities it makes more sense to directly check the room. As one example the mining program specifically looks for room storage when deciding whether to spawn haulers or not.

Actual Room Level

There are some settings that should always check the room level. It would not make sense to have more than 15W on an Upgrader at RCL8 since that is the max amount that can be upgraded for tick, so a check against that (as well as a hard limit on the Upgrader quantity) is in place.