Releases: ScottKolo/suitesparse-matrix-collection-website
Releases · ScottKolo/suitesparse-matrix-collection-website
Tagged release for acceptance to Journal of Open Source Software.
Minor formatting issues fixed in JOSS paper bibliography.
Tagged release with initial submission to Journal of Open Source Software.
- Improved rendering on mobile (small) screens.
- Fixed issue where the pagination did not work on the group index.
- Added references to other computed metrics by other researchers on the About page.
- Added page meta tag descriptions to the HTML header for each page. This should help with search engine indexing.
Tagging dated releases for milestone and archiving purposes.
This release includes the following:
- Ruby upgraded to 2.53 and Rails upgraded to 5.2.1.
- Gem updates to address security issues and deprecation warnings.
- Added codemeta.json for archival metadata.
- Updated license to include Dr. Tim Davis.
Iteration 3
Iteration3 Added filter by approximate search term
Iteration 2.
Iteration2 Add .jshintrc to customize how Code Climate complains about our JavaS…