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Updated marker handling, pixel-size
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kbestak authored Oct 25, 2022
1 parent 8ae2abe commit adf156b
Showing 1 changed file with 280 additions and 0 deletions.
280 changes: 280 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
from __future__ import print_function, division
from multiprocessing.spawn import import_main_path
import sys
import copy
import argparse
import numpy as np
import tifffile
import zarr
import skimage.transform
from aicsimageio import aics_image as AI
import pandas as pd
import numexpr as ne
from ome_types import from_tiff, to_xml
from os.path import abspath
from argparse import ArgumentParser as AP
import time
# This API is apparently changing in skimage 1.0 but it's not clear to
# me what the replacement will be, if any. We'll explicitly import
# this so it will break loudly if someone tries this with skimage 1.0.
from skimage.util.dtype import _convert as dtype_convert
except ImportError:
from skimage.util.dtype import convert as dtype_convert

# arg parser
def get_args():
# Script description
description="""Subtracts background - Lunaphore platform"""

# Add parser
parser = AP(description=description, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)

# Sections
inputs = parser.add_argument_group(title="Required Input", description="Path to required input file")
inputs.add_argument("-r", "--root", dest="root", action="store", required=True, help="File path to root image file.")
inputs.add_argument("-m", "--markers", dest="markers", action="store", required=True, help="File path to required markers.csv file")
inputs.add_argument("--pixel-size", metavar="SIZE", dest = "pixel_size", type=float, default = None, action = "store",help="pixel size in microns; default is 1.0")

outputs = parser.add_argument_group(title="Output", description="Path to output file")
outputs.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest="output", action="store", required=True, help="Path to output file")
outputs.add_argument("-mo", "--marker-output", dest="markerout", action="store", required=True, help="Path to output marker file")

arg = parser.parse_args()

# Standardize paths
arg.root = abspath(arg.root)
arg.markers = abspath(arg.markers)
arg.output = abspath(arg.output)
arg.markerout = abspath(arg.markerout)

return arg

def preduce(coords, img_in, img_out):
(iy1, ix1), (iy2, ix2) = coords
(oy1, ox1), (oy2, ox2) = np.array(coords) // 2
tile = skimage.img_as_float32(img_in[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2])
tile = skimage.transform.downscale_local_mean(tile, (2, 2))
tile = dtype_convert(tile, 'uint16')
#tile = dtype_convert(tile, img_in.dtype)
img_out[oy1:oy2, ox1:ox2] = tile

def format_shape(shape):
return "%dx%d" % (shape[1], shape[0])

def process_markers(markers):
# add column with starting indices (which match the image channel indices)
markers['ind'] = range(0, len(markers))

# initializing sublist - sublist will indicate which background channel to subtract
sublist = [-1 for i in range(len(markers))]
for i, Filter in enumerate(markers[markers.background == True].Filter):
# in the markers.csv file, the Filter needs to be the exact same!!!
# sublist needs to be able to handle any background index
# - the index of the background column is put to sublist where
# the Filter matches the background
sublist += np.where(
np.logical_and(markers.Filter == Filter, np.array(markers.background != True)),
markers[markers.background == True].iloc[i].ind + 1, 0)
# add sublist to markers - if sublist == -1, no background subtraction
# if other, the value matches the index of the background which needs to be subtracted
markers["sublist"] = sublist
return markers

def process_metadata(metadata, markers):
metadata.screens[0].reagents = [metadata.screens[0].reagents[i] for i in markers[markers.background != True].ind]
metadata.structured_annotations = [metadata.structured_annotations[i] for i in markers[markers.background != True].ind]
# these two are required
metadata.images[0].pixels.size_c = len(markers[markers.background != True])
metadata.images[0].pixels.channels = [metadata.images[0].pixels.channels[i] for i in markers[markers.background != True].ind]
metadata.images[0].pixels.planes = [metadata.images[0].pixels.planes[i] for i in markers[markers.background != True].ind]
return metadata

def subtract(img, markers):
# iterating over channels
for channel in markers.ind:
# if sublist has negative values, no background subtraction (either because it does
# not match background, or because it is background)
if markers.sublist[channel] < 0:
# no change - applies to background channels as well
print(f"Channel {channel} processed, no background subtraction")

# scalar is the coefficient with which the background pixel intensity is scaled
# it is the result of dividing the marker exposure time with the background exposure time
# Marker_corr = Marker_root - Background * Exposure_marker / Exposure_background
scalar = markers[markers.ind==channel].exposure.values / markers[markers.ind == markers.sublist[channel]].exposure.values

# create temporary dataframe which will store the multiplied background rounded up to nearest integer
back = img[markers.sublist[channel]]
back = np.rint(ne.evaluate("back * scalar")).astype(np.uint16) # slowest step of entire script

# subtract background from processed channel and if the background intensity for a certain pixel was larger than
# the processed channel, set intensity to 0 (no negative values)
img[channel] = np.where(img[channel]<back, 0, img[channel]-back) # not optimized, but works
del back

print(f"Channel {channel} processed, {markers[markers.ind==channel].Filter.values[0]} background channel subtracted")
return img

def remove_back(img, markers):
#with dask.config.set(**{'array.slicing.split_large_chunks': True}):
img = img[markers.background != True]
return img

def subres_tiles(level, level_full_shapes, tile_shapes, outpath, scale):
print(f"\n processing level {level}")
assert level >= 1
num_channels, h, w = level_full_shapes[level]
tshape = tile_shapes[level] or (h, w)
tiff = tifffile.TiffFile(outpath)
zimg =, level=level-1, squeeze=False))
for c in range(num_channels):
f"\r processing channel {c + 1}/{num_channels}"
th = tshape[0] * scale
tw = tshape[1] * scale
for y in range(0, zimg.shape[1], th):
for x in range(0, zimg.shape[2], tw):
a = zimg[c, y:y+th, x:x+tw, 0]
a = skimage.transform.downscale_local_mean(
a, (scale, scale)
if np.issubdtype(zimg.dtype, np.integer):
a = np.around(a)
a = a.astype('uint16')
yield a

def main(args):
img_raw = AI.AICSImage(args.root)
img = img_raw.get_image_dask_data("CYX")

markers_raw = pd.read_csv(args.markers)
markers = process_markers(copy.copy(markers_raw))

img = subtract(img, markers)
img = remove_back(img, markers)

markers_raw = markers_raw[markers_raw.background != True]
markers_raw = markers_raw.drop("background", axis = 1)
markers_raw.to_csv(args.markerout, index=False)

# Processing metadata - highly adapted to Lunaphore outputs
metadata = process_metadata(img_raw.metadata, markers)
metadata = img_raw.metadata

if args.pixel_size != None:
# If specified, the inputted pixel size is used
pixel_size = args.pixel_size
elif img_raw.metadata.images[0].pixels.physical_size_x != None:
# If pixel size is not specified, the metadata is checked (the script trusts users more than metadata)
pixel_size = img_raw.metadata.images[0].pixels.physical_size_x
# If no pixel size specified anywhere, use default 1.0
pixel_size = 1.0

# construct levels
tile_size = 1024
scale = 2

dtype = img.dtype
base_shape = img[0].shape
num_channels = img.shape[0]
num_levels = (np.ceil(np.log2(max(base_shape) / tile_size)) + 1).astype(int)
factors = 2 ** np.arange(num_levels)
shapes = (np.ceil(np.array(base_shape) / factors[:,None])).astype(int)

print("Pyramid level sizes: ")
for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
print(f" level {i+1}: {format_shape(shape)}", end="")
if i == 0:
print("(original size)", end="")

level_full_shapes = []
for shape in shapes:
level_full_shapes.append((num_channels, shape[0], shape[1]))
level_shapes = shapes

#level_shapes = np.array(level_shapes)
tip_level = np.argmax(np.all(level_shapes < tile_size, axis=1))
tile_shapes = [
(tile_size, tile_size) if i <= tip_level else None
for i in range(len(level_shapes))

# write pyramid

with tifffile.TiffWriter(args.output, ome=True, bigtiff=True) as tiff:
data = img,
shape = level_full_shapes[0],
resolution=(10000 / pixel_size, 10000 / pixel_size, "centimeter"),
for level, (shape, tile_shape) in enumerate(
zip(level_full_shapes[1:], tile_shapes[1:]), 1
data = subres_tiles(level, level_full_shapes, tile_shapes, args.output, scale),
if metadata.images[0].pixels.planes:
temp_planes = []
for i, channel_id in enumerate(range(num_channels)):
temp_plane = metadata.images[0].pixels.planes[channel_id]
temp_plane.the_c = i
metadata.images[0].pixels.planes = temp_planes
if metadata.images[0].pixels.tiff_data_blocks and len(
metadata.images[0].pixels.tiff_data_blocks) > 0:
metadata.images[0].pixels.tiff_data_blocks[0].plane_count = num_channels
# Write
tifffile.tiffcomment(args.output, to_xml(metadata))

if __name__ == '__main__':
# Read in arguments
args = get_args()

# Run script
st = time.time()
rt = time.time() - st
print(f"Script finished in {rt // 60:.0f}m {rt % 60:.0f}s")

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