ArcExplorer v1.4.0
See the README for details on using the program. Report any bugs or request new features in issues. Click update when the update dialog appears to download the latest hashes to support the new files added for game version 12.0.0.
Download and install the Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 desktop runtime if you haven't already. Make sure to install the version to run desktop apps and select x64. When running the program for the first time, it should provide a link to install .NET Core 3.1 if it is not installed already.
Fixing Installation Issues
If you're using a supported operating system and ArcExplorer still fails to launch correctly after trying these fixes, feel free to open an issue
.NET Core 3.1 popup still appears after installing .NET Core 3.1
If you still get a message about installing .NET Core 3.1 after launching the program, install .NET Core 3.1 again and make sure to select the x64 desktop runtime.Program fails to launch on Windows (not needed on latest build)
If the program still fails to launch after correctly installing the x64 desktop runtime for .NET Core, make sure that the Visual C++ 2015 runtime is installed. The installer can be downloaded from here. Make sure to select the 64-bit option.Version 1.4.0 Changes
- Added search support. Type paths or parts of a path into the search box to search the entire ARC. This works if the ARC is opened from a file or when connecting over the network. The search is "fuzzy", so small inaccuracies in spelling don't matter like "mrio" instead of "mario".
- Added an option to remember the IP address when connecting to the ARC over the network.
- Minor improvements to performance and memory usage
- The application now shows the current version for the main window's title