Here's instructions on how to get you up and running with Vaadin (7.3.x - 7.6.x) development using IntelliJ IDEA 12-15, 2016.
For Vaadin Framevork version 7.7+ please refer to readme.
If you find something to improve, please send a pull request. There might be cake available for all who contribute.
(tested and developed in OSX and IDEA Ultimate 14, so there might be differences to Windows)
- Compile Vaadin
- Compile Themes and Widgetset (use the Ant build window)
- Run Development Server
- Run CodeServer for Super DevMode
- Debug client side inside IDEA (Firefox/Chrome)
- Run Unit tests
- Run TB4 tests
- Install IvyIDEA plugin in IDEA Preferences -> Plugins
git clone
In order for everything to work pretty, we need to compile and unpack GWT outside IDEA.
ant -f gwt-files.xml unpack.gwt
If ant complains that it fails to create task or type 'antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant:settings', it misses the Ivy jar in it's antlib folder. Download Ivy, extract it and copy the ivy-x.x.x.jar in your antlib folder. Your antlib folder is the 'lib' subdirectory of your ant home folder, which you can find with
ant -diagnostics | grep ant.home
(ignore possible warnings about missing JDK JavaSE-1.6)
- Open project properties
- Select SDK of your choosing in Project -> Project SDK (tested to work with 1.7.0_51)
- Set Project Compiler Output to vaadin/build/classes in Project -> Project compiler output
- Delete Module vaadin from Modules
- Open IDEA Preferences
- Open Project Preferences for IvyIDEA
- Set Ivy Settings to use vaadin/ivysettings.xml
- Add vaadin/ using Properties -> Add File
- Select Import Module
- Import vaadin/buildhelpers
- Resolve dependencies by selecting IvyIDEA -> Resolve for buildhelpers module
- Repeat for module vaadin/gwt, vaadin/push, vaadin/shared
- Note! At this point, don't include test/src folder with the modules. We will import those later.
- For push and gwt we need to export their dependencies. Unfortunately that can't be done through the settings GUI, so we need to modify their .iml files.
<orderEntry type="module-library">
needs to be changed to<orderEntry type="module-library" exported="">
- Import Module vaadin/server
- Add gwt, push, shared as Module dependencies (if they aren't automatically added)
- Import Module vaadin/client
- Exclude GWT facets (the GWT 4 xml files)
- Add gwt, shared, server as dependencies (if they aren't automatically added)
Unfortunately we can't use the builtin GWT features because our sources for the widgetset is divided between two modules: shared + client.
IDEA 13 seems to have occasional difficulties when importing modules without "content" (gwt,push modules)
- Import module vaadin/client-compiler
- Add dependencies to client, shared, gwt, server (if they aren't automatically added)
- Change the output path to build/classes for modules buildhelpers, client, shared, server, client-compiler, uitest (for Testing widgetset)
- Module settings -> Paths
- Open the Ant Build window from View -> Tool Windows -> Ant Build
- Add vaadin/build/ide.xml
- Run targets from ide.xml
build/classes is the path ide.xml searches for classes when compiling the widgetset.
- Import module vaadin/server/tests
- Rename the module to server-tests (optional)
- Mark src folder as Sources instead of Tests in Module Settings -> Sources
- Manually add IvyIDEA facet that points to vaadin/server/ivy.xml
- Add dependencies to shared, push, gwt, server (if they aren't automatically added)
- Import module vaadin/uitest
- Ignore GWT facet
- Add dependencies to all modules we have imported
- Add Run Configuration from Run -> Edit Configurations
- Add -> Application
- Main class: com.vaadin.launcher.DevelopmentServerLauncher
- VM options: -ea
- Use classpath of module: uitest
- Select Single Instance only
- Run the configuration
We need to define sources inside server-tests and uitest as sources instead of tests because otherwise they won't be included in the module classpath when using the module as a dependency.
This is a bit tricky because we need source directories from multiple modules to be added to the classpath and IDEA doesn't really support that. So we basically need to use a custom classpath:
- Add Run Configuration from -> Run Edit Configurations
- Add -> Application
- Main class:
- VM options:
-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -classpath "shared/src:client/src:uitest/src:build/classes:build/gwt/gwt-dev.jar:build/gwt/gwt-user.jar:build/gwt/gwt-elemental.jar:/Users/Saulis/.ivy2/cache/org.ow2.asm/asm/jars/asm-5.0.3.jar:/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA"
<- you need to replace paths to asm-5.0.3.jar and idea_rt.jar with ones that are correct for your environment - Program arguments:
com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet -bindAddress
- Use classpath of module:
- Run the configuration
- Add Run Configuration from -> Run Edit Configurations
- Add -> JavaScript Debug
- Set URL to anything you want, for example http://localhost:8888/run/ValoThemeUI?restartApplication&superdevmode
- Run the configuration with Debug
- JetBrains IDE plugin should be automatically installed to your browser, if not, see:
- Add some breakpoints to client-side code and start debugging
At the time of writing these instructions, the plugin does not seem to work on Firefox: - atleast not on OSX Yosemite with FF 33.1
If the debugger doesn't seem to connect to your browser, check the browser plugin settings to ensure it's configured to use the same port that your IDEA is listening to. (see the debugger window inside IDEA to check the listened port)
- Import module vaadin/WebContent/VAADIN/themes
- Use themes target in the ide.xml Ant build to compile
Server-tests module was already imported in an earlier step and they can be run as any JUnit test.
- Edit Configurations...
- Select Defaults
- Select JUnit
- Add VM parameter screenshot directory
- Copy to work directory
- Set screenshot directory in
If you need to run tests which use the TestingWidgetset, you need to change the build output path for uitest to point also in vaadin/build/classes. After that, you can use the testing-widgetset target in ide.xml Ant build to compile the widgetset.
- Run the Development Server configuration defined in an earlier step.
- Run the test(s) you want like a normal JUnit test.