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API Usage

Jake Callahan edited this page Mar 17, 2023 · 1 revision

API Usage


Broker exposes most of the same functionality the CLI provides through a Broker class. To use this class, simply import:

from broker import Broker

The Broker class largely accepts the same arguments as you would pass via the CLI. One key difference is that you need to use underscores instead of dashes. For example, a checkout at the CLI that looks like this

broker checkout --nick rhel7 --args-file tests/data/broker_args.json --environment="VAR1=val1,VAR2=val2"

could look like this in an API usage

rhel7_host = Broker(nick="rhel7", args_file="tests/data/broker_args.json", environment={"VAR1": "val1", "VAR2": "val2"}).checkout()

Broker will carry out its usual actions and package the resulting host in a Host object. This host object will also include some basic functionality, like the ability to execute ssh commands on the host. Executed ssh command results are packaged in a Results object containing status (return code), stdout, and stderr.

result = rhel7_host.execute("rpm -qa")
assert result.status == 0
assert "my-package" in result.stdout

Recommended Basic Use

The Broker class has a built-in context manager that automatically performs a checkout upon enter and checkin upon exit. It is the recommended way of interacting with Broker for host management. In the below two lines of code:

  • a container host is created (pulled if needed or applicable)
  • a broker Host object is constructed
  • the host object runs a command on the container
  • output is checked
  • the container is checked in
with Broker(container_host="ch-d:rhel7") as container_host:
    assert container_host.hostname in container_host.execute("hostname").stdout

Custom Host Classes

You are encouraged to build upon the existing Host class broker provides but need to include it as a base class for Broker to work with it properly. This will allow you to build upon the base functionality Broker already provides while incorporating logic specific to your use cases. Once you have a new class, you can let Broker know to use it during host construction.

from broker import Broker
from broker.hosts import Host

class MyHost(Host):

with Broker(..., host_class=MyHost) as my_host:

Setup and Teardown

Sometimes you might want to define some behavior to occur after a host is checked out but before Broker gives it to you. Alternatively, you may want to define teardown logic that happens right before a host is checked in.

When using the Broker context manager, Broker will run any setup or teardown method defined on the Host object. Broker will not pass any arguments to the setup or teardown methods, so they must not accept arguments.

<continued from above>
class MyHost(Host):
    def setup(self):

    def teardown(self):
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