Live beta site can be found here
This site has officially went live as a beta on Apr 23rd, 2020.
The goal of this project is to replace this viewer using an open source environment. The existing viewer is built using the ESRI 3.x JS api/DOJO with the Web App Builder and ArcGIS Server.
This app is built using React, OpenLayers and GeoServer. Many components are configurable to point to your own WMS/WFS, XYZ services. Some components use a custom rest api, such as the search and property report.
GeoServer Server Rest API end points need to be enabled for this app to work!
It's built using a framework to easily create your own tools and themes (instructions below) using the provided templates. Control what layers, tools and themes are loaded using the config at the root of the src folder.
The Table of Contents (layers tab) utilizes groups in GeoServer.
Contributions are welcome. Even if you only clone it and add tools to your own project, please share them back and I'll integrate them if useful.
For a list of projects that support this site please visit our main page. SimcoeCountyGIS
We've built a deployment doc to help setup our solution. Deployment Doc here
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Node JS
git clone
cd SimcoeCountyWebViewer
npm install
npm start
In the project diretory, type npm run build
in the terminal. Details can be found with Create React App
- Create new directory for tool in 'src/sidebar/components/tools/yourToolName'
- Copy template files into the previous directory from 'src/componentTemplate/ToolComponent.jsx' and 'src/componentTemplate/toolComponent.css
- Rename the files to your component name (case sentive)
- Add tool to the main config in 'src/config.json'. Copy existing tool text in the config, for an example.
- Create new directory for theme in 'src/sidebar/components/theme/yourThemeName'
- Copy template files into the previous directory from 'src/componentTemplate/ThemeComponent.jsx' and 'src/componentTemplate/themeComponent.css
- Rename the files to your component name (case sentive)
- Add theme to the main config in 'src/config.json'. Copy existing theme text in the config, for an example.
- React - The web framework used
- OpenLayers - Mapping framework
- GeoServer - Backend Map Server
- Al Proulx - Initial work - Al Proulx
- MTO - Various Enhancements - Tom Reed and Nedim Oren
- Spatial DNA - Print Tool - Spatial DNA
- Kristie Hu - Immigration Services Theme - Kristie Hu
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details