It is a method of link analysis, which is an acronym for HITS Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search.
Enter the Query:
The Query word is entered here.
It gives us the HubScores and AuthorityScores of top Hubs and Authorities for the given query given in the input.
The following are printed :
- Hubscores for given query
- Order of the nodes according to hub scores
- Authority Scores for given query
- Order of the nodes according to Authority scores
It is a link analysis which assigns to every node in the web graph a numerical score between 0 and 1. The PageRank of a node will depend on the link structure of the web graph.
First Line includes the Number of nodes.
Second Line includes the Number of Edges in the graph.
From third line onwards we give the edges in the form of(source,destination).
The following are printed :
- Transition Matrix without Teleportation.
- Page Rank vector using Linear Algebra Method.
- Page Rank vector using Iterative Method.
- Transition Matrix with Teleportation.
- Page Rank vector using Linear Algebra Method.
- Page Rank vector using Iterative Method.
- We considered the graph as 1-based index means node number starts from 1 not 0.
- Input file name is input.txt and file is present in the same folder.