The app is a 30 tasks challenge to achieve IELTS desired score. It challenges users to do reading, writing, listening, and speaking tests of IELTS (click here to find out more). This app also shows to users their progress and compares it with planned daily scores to motivate them to do more. You should also note that the app is not responsive for Desktop, you can open it only on mobile or tablet. This repository is the Front-End part of the app cause it's a Full-Stack Application built using React/Redux and Ruby on Rails. You can find the Back-End repository here.
- A user can sign up and log in using his email and password.
- A user can add his measurements
- A user can track his progress on the app monthly or daily through the or progress pages.
- A user can compare their actual progress against planned one to acheive desired score.
- A user can see a summary of his measurements.
- React.js
- Redux/React-Redux pkg
- Ruby on Rails
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- RSpec
- react-charts
- npm
- ES6
- JavaScript
- React Testing Library
email: [email protected] password: brad
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Step 1: git clone
Step 2 - navigate to the cloned directory:
cd ielts_planner
Step 3 - install npm pckage manager:
npm install
Step 4 - open the app in development mode:
npm start
Last step will open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
- Go to your terminal
- Run npm test to run all the tests.
👤 Sarvar Khalimov
- GitHub: @SarvarKh
- Twitter: @KhalimovSarvar
- LinkedIn: @sarvar-khalimov
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.