Hi, my name is Thiago, i am Brazilian 🇧🇷 and live in São Paulo.
I'm currently studying Systems Development Analysis at São Paulo Tech College. I have a passion for learning and enjoy exploring a wide range of subjects. At the moment, I'm actively developing an application using Spring Boot, React, and MySQL.
By the end of this month, my goal is to deepen my understanding of software engineering, data structures, programming paradigms, and NoSQL databases.
const me = {
name: 'Thiago Vieira dos Santos',
age: 19,
live: 'São Paulo - Brasil'
ideal: 'Piece & Love'
phrase: 'A man forgets more easily the death of his father than the loss of his estate.'
favs: {
language: 'Java',
hobbie: 'Study',
cli: 'PS1',
book: 'The Prince: Niccolo Machiavelli'
likes: [
Status: 'Programing...'
I have experience with various languages including Python, SQL Server, C++, and others. However, I have had extensive contact and worked extensively with these ones.