Releases: SandraLouise/SVJedi-graph
SVJedi-graph v1.2.1
SVJedi-graph can now be run in multi-fastq mode (genotyping one individual sequenced in multiple fastq files).
Other changes: added test script with new tiny example dataset, intermediate files naming.
SVJedi-graph v1.2.0
Algorithm change for the covered SV allele identification during the alignment processing step. Also fixed a bug for the representation of multiple insertions at the same position in the graph. The genotyping quality should be improved on most datasets.
SVJedi-graph v1.1.1
Fixed a bug for genotyping inversions that hindered the genotyping rate of inversions. The genotyping of the other SV types is not impacted.
SVJedi-graph v1.1.0
Changed the read mapper to minigraph, speeds up the read mapping step of SVJedi-graph.
SVJedi-graph v1.0.0
Genotyping of deletions, insertions and inversions with long reads and a variation graph.