Server.port: http://localhost:5000
This small web application allows you to quickly check the latest currency exchange rates for over 30 currency pair.
Built with Spring Framework and its derivatives.
User can sign up with personal email or login with social websites
App is deployed to cloud platform heroku.
Link to deployed version: https://calm-savannah-70817.herokuapp.com/
Note: If you want to check forget password functionality locally, please write your email and password corresponding places in application.properties.
Useful commands:
mvn clean - deletes the /target folder
mvn package - Converts your .java source code into a .jar/.war file and puts it into the /target folder
mvn install - First, it does a package(!). Then it takes that .jar/.war file and puts it into your local Maven repository
heroku login - command opens your web browser to complete the login flow
heroku create - creates a new empty application on Heroku, along with an associated empty Git repository
heroku local - runs app locally (by default on port 5000)
git init - initializes empty Git repository
git add . - adds changes in the working directory to the staging area
git commit -m "commit message" - saves changes to local repository
git push heroku master - pushes the code from your local repository’s master branch to your heroku remote